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Digimon Protectors
"Oh, great," Rika moaned.
"So let me get this straight," Renamon began, "you're from a paralell universe?"
"Oh. great." Rika moaned. "She was right. Now I do have a headache."
"Yup!" Saph giggled again, still looking at Renamon "And I've already noticed one BIIIG difference!"

"Err... Saph... That information would probably freak them out..." Peter whispered into her ear.
"I heard that!" Reanmon said.
"Could you please just tell us? 'Cause this is getting really confusing." Rika said, frowning.
"No! Really! You don't want to know!" Peter shook his head franticly.

"In our reality; you're a male, Renamon!" Sapphire announced gleefully.



"That was incredibly stupid..."

She stuck her nose up a little "She asked."

"Urgh..." Peter facepalmed "Why me...?"
Rika blinked.
"Oooo...kay...."Renamon said.
"Well, in this reality, you're a female," Rika said firmly.
Sapphire immediately broke into a fit of giggles.

"Sorry about that..." Peter gave Saph a flat stare.
"I'm glad you don't make a habit of fainting, Renamon," Rika said.
"I feel horrible," Reanmon moaned.
"Well you would," Rika pointed out. "You've just been told that you are a guy in an alternate reality." Renamon stumbled againsed Rika. "Whoa... Carefull..."
Peter also groaned "I'm really, really sorry."

"Hey! Lighten up!" Saph beamed at Renamon "That's not a bad thing!"

"Saph... seriously... stop it." He shook his head at her "Just be-" He stopped suddenly.

"Just because... what?"

ME AND MY BIG FECKING MOUTH! Peter just sweatdropped in response.
"WELL HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF SOMEONE JUST TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE ACTUALLY A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rika yelled in her partners defence.
"AH!" Saph jumped behind Peter "OK, OK, sorry!"

"... bloody hell..." Peter stared with wide eyes.