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Digimon Protectors
TK:*smiles* I never said you should punch him if something that is Tai's job, you know how they have that special way to understand each other
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Gabumon: yeah
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Daisuke\'s face went blank as the converstion brought back his memory of the virus Metalgreymon incident. He opened his D-Terminal and looked at the Digimental of Friendship. If Yamato can\'t even stand this how can I? Daisuke thought to himself.
TK:*he saw Davis watching his D-Terminal* Davis? are you okay?
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
\"Huh?\" Daisuke\'s head shot up as he was snaped out of his daze.
\"Oh! I\'m fine.\" He assured snaping the D-Terminal closed.
Gabumon: *looks at Davis and raises an eyebrow* I don't know why... Davis slightly remind me of Matt.. when he get so focused on his own thoughts
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Takato (goes to Davis): Hey Davis... you okay..??
Guilmon: Maybe some peanut butter would help^^

Takato: That's your solution to everything^^() (roughs head)


GAtomon: Patamon...i'm feeling lonely right now...could you stay...a little longer ( hugs him tight)

**Back with the others**
**A faint moaning...comes from she starts to finally come to...**

Kari: you know with all this's really hard to sleep...(opens her eyes slowly)

**She's baaaaack **

DJ (seeing this): Welll How about that!

YukiRenamon: Miracles do come through (looks to Spiritmon): you know you could come a little point in being distance now..

Kari: Does anyone have some aspirin...?
TK:*he couldn't help but smile at Guilmon's naiveness* you have a really interesting digimon Takato *he then turned at Davis* you are having doubts right Davis? I'll be honest, I have doubts too, but I don't focus on them because that only will slow me down in this, mostly when someone very important to me got hurt *looks at the sleeping Kari*

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon:*he smiled and returned the hug and kissed her softly* and exactly what made you think I would leave you here alone kitten? you know I wouldn't leave you alone *blushes*

*back to the room*

TK:*he saw Kari awake* Kari *he got closer and held her hand gently* Kari how are you feeling? *smiles feeling relieved she is awake as he then gets up and walks to the bathroom and returns with a glass of water and a aspirin* here, I supposed you would ask for one, after all you took too much thanks to those monsters
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Can I join with two of my characters? They are Digimon-related, by the way.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Renamon stood up.
"I'm going to see Kari," she announced. Rika looked at her and nodded. Renamon walked up the staris slowly, and into Kari's room. She saw the group gathered aroung the bed, and expected the worst.
Renamon stood behind gabumon, and peered over his head, to see Kari awake and well. She sighed in relief.