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Quest to 1000 pages
Disturbed: *flat stares as he takes a bit bite out of the roasted dragon* mmmm has a pork texture to it..
Shadow: 20000 post on this area! Fear me!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed: *swallows* Almost 6000 posts and I've barely been here a month...*takes another bite*
Disturbed posts alot more than me.
Shadow: You think that's alot look at Kyo. *Reaches for a slice of pizza*

D-Shadow: Where'd that pizza come from?

Shadow: You wanna listen to me explain the complex innerworkings of interdimensional travel or do you wanna eat pizza?

D-Shadow: Hmmm, infinite knowledge or pizza. Yeah that's a contest. Grabs a slice.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kyo: Hm, wonder what I can summon now... it's been a while since I summoned anything... *goes into pondering*

Kurtz: You are too complex, you need to CALM DOWN! *waves his arms frantically about*

FC Kurtz: *sweat-drops* Please. Someone, tell me what I'm doing here....

Luna: *appears through a portal* I think we got forgotten about in another RPG.
Nath: *appears on Luna's back* Yup.

BDSM Nath: *scratching his neck* Okay, what are you lot... doing here?
Luna: Don't ask.
BDSM Nath: I'm not.

Tieya: God. what is WITH you people?! *frown* All you do is play around all day and destroy things!
BDSM Tieya: *giggles* Yeah. They do.
Tieya: GAWD! *storms off*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed: *takes another bite* Yeah but if I keep up this pace I'll be up to 10,000 by the end of October *swallows* 165 posts per day
BDSM Saphire: BDSM Nath!!! You still need to finish what you started!!! *giggles*
Saphire: *blinks* wow lotsa people
FC Disturbed: I wonder whats on Carman's mine
FC Saphire: All alone on the sofa with no one to cuddle *sigh*
BDSM Disturbed: My ass still is throbbing...ouch!
Kurtz: Yeah. You're the king of PPD.
BDSM Nath: I... do? *grins* Well, I dont know....
Tieya: *reappears* Oh god, I'm so sorry... I've just been through a lot and... *sweat-drops*
FC Kurtz: Hm, and I wonder what's on Dot's mind. *grins widely*
DP Nath: Wow, there's a lot of us.
Nath: YOU ARE NOT THE REAL ME! *points his sword at DP Nath*
DP Nath: Yeah right.
Luna: Wow, I'm so loved by two people. *giggles*
DP Luna: *sweat-drops* There's two me's?
BDSM Tieya: Oh great, Dreya's loose.
Dreya: NEE-NEE! *destroying random buildings*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
C-Amat:I'm too powerful for my own good.
Renamon-Amat(check spam wars):I'm still stronger then you.
Amat:Three of me,too much destruction.
Shadow: You think three's bad? Try four, *Points at D H and Omni*

FC Shadow: Five.

BOF Shadow: Six.

GS Shadow: Seven.

Shadow: Hey GS make yourself useful and make a fire so I can cook some marshmallows.

GS Shadow: Tell me what to do again and I kill you, *Creates a ball of fire and sets a building on fire* There's your bonfire.

D-Shadow: Mindless destruction? I like this Shadow, we need more violence and destruction around here.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad