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Quest to 1000 pages
Shadow: In honor of my 7700th post. I'm giving the Shadow's weapons!

Omni Shadow: Large glowing dark blue sword appears in his hand. Bring it on.

H-Shadow: Long golden spear with a looped handle in the center appears in his hands, Very nice.

D-Shadow: My fists are just fine. Glows dark red for a second, Wish we could test these out.

Shadow: Granted. *A sandbag falls from the sky*

Omni Shadow: I'm first, Charges at the Sandbag and knocks it into the air with an upward thrust, then begins slashing rapidly at it knocking it back to the ground, Dimensional slash! Swings his sword sending out a wave of energy.

*Pan to outer space and a view of the earth*

Large Green wave flies off the planet and chops the moon in half.

*Pan back in*

Omni Shadow: I like it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed: eh I'm happy with a comfy chair and my pepsi :D
D-Shadow: My turn! Kicks the punchbag into the air then appears infront of it and smacks it back to earth appearing infront of it and kicking it away then running past it and kicking it into the air again, GEMINI STRIKE!! Splits into two and begins hitting the sand bag back an forth a few times before one throws it to the ground as the other Shadow vanishes, Time to finish this! DARK BEAM!!! Hands begin crackling with energy, DIE!!

*Pan out to show the earth as a large dark red laser fires off the surface of it. Pan back in.*

D-Shadow: This, I like.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hey how about some fighting music *Puts on "Getting Down with the Sickness" *
Crimson: *listens to the music as he fires at some cans with his ray gun at the shooting gallery* Hmmm, maybe I should consider using a new weapon. *blasts the shooting gallery into burning ashes*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
H-Shadow: Let's see what this thing can do. He swung the spear at the Sandbag, knocking it into a wall. He then began spinning with the blade swinging around hitting the sandbag and catching it in a small whirlwind as more hits connected. Try this on for size! He swung upward and then the spear changed into a bow, he pulled back on the string and an blue arrow appeared in it, he fired quickly pinning the sandbag to the wall then pulled back a final arrow that shined brightly and fired it, knocking the sandbag through the wall.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*starts jumping up and down headbanging to the music*
D H and Omni Shadow: UNISON ATTACK!!

D-Shadow: HAWK STRIKE! Pummels the sandbag into the ground, CRESCENT FLASH! Uppercuts the sandbag creating a crescent shaped flash, TRIPLE KICK! Kicks the sandbag three times knocking it towards Omni Shadow.

Omni Shadow: SWORD RAIN! Creates a large number of energy swords and rains them down on the sandbag, TIGER STRIKE! Slashes upwards bring the sandbag with the attack and then slashes downward driving it into the ground.

H-Shadow: PSI TEMPEST! Spins around unleashing a pshychic powered hurricane that hits the sandbag from all sides, ENERGY ARROW! Spear shapes into a bow as he draws back and fires arrow after arrow at the sandbag.

D H and Omni: *All three triangulate around the sandbag* RAGNAROK UNLEASHED!! The each fire out an energy beam of their color as a sword the size of the empire state building crashes into the sandbag.

Shadow: That was cool. Wait how did I get back to my time? Ahh who cares.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*yawns back*