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Furry College!
Kurtz turned around to face Blaze. "Well, I asked her to the movies... But she said she'll get to me on that tomorrow. Maybe she's busy today..." He then moved over to the doors Black walked into.

Kurtz poked his head into the cafeteria. I'm taking it that I found the cafeteria. He quickly moved over behind Black, and eyed the food. Why do I always get the feeling something's going to happen?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"well... first we need to get our trays near the buffet... so then we can pick up our lunch.. .but do you mind to wait just a few minutes more... my friend must be arriving... I hope" Yoosei looked around worried for Kurai not having arrived yet. She figured that he may have fallen asleep again and prayed that someone had wake him up. since that is what she usually does.

Meanwhile Kurai is still walking in a hurry towards the cafeteria. Bumping against some students and apologizing as well. after a short time he arrives at the cafeteria smiling once seeing Yoosei but blinking once seeing Mitsuki. "I wonder who's she". he thought for himself as he walks closer to them both and greeted them by bowing his head.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Another rumble in Disturbed's stomach came forth. "Hungry again? Those links didnt cut it did they?" he said to himself. As he panned around he spotted the buffet line. "Guess I'll get something to eat," he whispered folding his schedule and sliding it into his pocket. He got up from the table he was sitting at, then headed towards the buffet line. Weaving in and out of students' way trying not to bump into anybody so he doesnt have to talk to anybody. As he approached the buffet line he noticed a lunch lady attended to the buffet, refilled what looked like salad.

The lunch lady, a cat not as attractive as the secretary but still cute, looked up at him. Much like the secretary the lunch lady gave him a cute smile and winked at me.

Disturbed thought to himself "God damn the lunch lady too?"
Ren burst into the cafeteria. Finally! I thought I'd NEVER find it! She hurried into the queue behind Disturbed and glanced at the salad. That better be Iceberg...

Black ginned as he loaded up some raw meat onto a plate. Hehe!
Glancing over at the frantic person he put on his "What the fuck" face. Then he continued down the line edged closer to the meat he found person already loading his plate with meat. He let out a faint growl under his breath with impatience and waited for the fellow to leave.
Black chuckled as he went off to find a table. I REALLY need to cut back but what the hay!

Ren noticed Disturbed glance at her. What's his problem?
Kurtz sighed. Why am I always NEVER hungry around this time? He cursed under his breath, and swished his tail. It puts me off eating anything in the day....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed thought of his actions towards the person behind him. He looked back at the person behind him "I apologize for that rude look I gave you," he exclaimed.
Ren blinked "O-Oh... thanks..." She blushed heavily. ... eep...
Disturbed did a o.O look at Ren "What? Whats the matter?"