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Spam Wars!!!!!
Kurtz: *singing* It's theee end of the world as we know it...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Me - *joins in* It's the end!
D.Fred: *starts chanting some weird words while unknowingly drawing weird symbols in a circle on a grave of a great god of chaos*

*past, you know where*
Kenneth: this is not good...*he said as a hole in time open up first while it shows D.Fred chanting on the other side*
Me - :shock: Oh no... you shouldn't have reminded me of... HIM!!!

*EvIl TrAnSfOrM*

God of Chaos - HAHAHAHAHA!!! *hurling fireballs in random directions*
Kenneth: *after climbing out of demensional hole* well that was expected...*looks up and sees a huge fireball hurling towards him* OH SHIII *ducks*

Fred: wha..*gets hit with fireball and flies back into the 1940s again*

Grace: well you could've warned him before he got hit!

D.Fred: Now that the god of chaos is unleashed I will unleash the others!! MUHAHAHAHA!

*sorry, be back in at least an hour, dinner time at my gramps, see ya then*
God of Chaos - HAHAHAHAHA!!! *the room vibrates*

*Sorry it took me long, they wanted me to do the dishes and what not*
D.Fred: well that's my cue, got to go*rips open another portal and leaves*

Fred: oh no you don't!! *jumps into portal before it closes*

*minute later*
D.Fred: *jumps out of a portal he just came from* MUHAHAHHA now got two more to go!! *rips another portal*

Kenneth: well lets see if you can beat me!!*jumps into portal*

Grace: *screams* KENNEY!!!!! *then portal closes but another takes it's place* I'll get you for this!! *tackles D.Fred back into the portal, only to note that it was a different portal all over than the one Fred was in*
God of Choas - Hm? *looks at D.Fred* Aaaah... A challenge... *concentrates fireballs at D.Fred*
D.Fred:*jumps out of portal just as grace was about to kill him with a double sided blade about big as him "5'8"* that was close*looks in time to see the fire ball* ehhh....*rips open a portal just as Sis jumps in at him with intent to kill*

*right, new world*
Fred: where the hell is that bastard!!! *looks around and sees that everyone in the room is looking at him* ehhh, has anyone seen a man dressed in a black robe? *still staring* this will be difficult...

*another demension*
Kenneth: where in the hell am I? *looks around and sees that he's in a japanese setting* heh, just where some kind of japanese god is, this is just great....*starts walking towards a market*

*'nother demension*
Grace: *hot on D.Fred's Feet* get back here you looser!!
D.Fred: not if you can dodge this!!! *black arua makes a wall that stops her*

(hey think I should make an RPG out of this?)
God of Chaos - *blasts through the shield as if it were paper* HAHAHAHA!!!