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Spam Wars!!!!!
Me - *jumps up behind fred_18* HIYA!
Fred_18: *jumps a good meter away* WHAT THE HELL!!

*back in time*
Fred: so where would gramps be if he was in germany? *fred asked himself as he continued to walk*
Me - Want something to drink? *offers wine bottle*
Fred_18: *calms down* thanks, I could use a drink...*takes out a wine glass* just curious, but what kind of whine is this?

*back in time, preferribly during the WW2*
Sis: how could it be hard to find one old man in a battle feild!
Me - ^_^ This is my SPAM wine! The taste is whatever you want it to be! *takes a swig from own bottle* Mm! Spicy!
Fred_18:heh, can't be too bad...oh well *takes a swig and then spits on the floor seeing that it turned in to salt*

*then Fred_18's eyes dialate before an evil grin took his place*
D.Fred_18: well*stretches* nice to be out once in a while, that loser couldn't hold me in there forever!

*back in time, you know where*
Fred: *shudders as he starts to go static* there is a disturbance in the force!

kenneth: *looks around* nothing out of the ordinary here besides this senseless war...*eyes dialate* you don't mean in the future!
Me - ^_^ Great! *blink* Uhrmm... aren't you the evil Fred?
Kurtz: *wakes up* Oh noes, we have unleashed him!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
D.Fred: YESS! I'm not EVIL!!! *black arua surounds his body* I AM ALL EVIL!!! *as eyes go red*

*back in time*
Fred: we need to get back before "he" starts ripping a hole in the demensions to all worlds!
Me - Twisted Gooood... *hands D.Fred an invite to an orgy in the Mixed style RPG section*