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Spam Wars!!!!!
Jeth - *scowl*
Me - *sweat drop*

right spam up the wars.....what would be a funny war.....erm......oh! of course! paintball war! lol
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Sis:*kills last zombie* I'm game
Kenneth, fred, and grace: count us in as well

*monitor room(respectivly)*
Fred_18: now back to normal days...
Reno: *Appears behind Fred_18* HI!!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Me:*arms self with paintball mammoth tank and ak47 paintball assault rifle*
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
*Monitor room*
Fred_18: WAHH!!! *jumps out of rolling chair in the process* don't do that! you could've gave me a heart attack!...*calms down, then sighs* welcome to the monitor room, next time at least try the door.

*some where outside*
Fred: *grabs a paintball gun that looks like an SMG*
Sis: *arms with twin colt paintball guns, and a few other stuff that involve paint in it while putting it in a back pack*
kenneth: *grabs arrows that have paintballed tips and a bow, and cross bow, and a few other stuff that looks traditional but paint ball like*
grace: *pulls out a crossbow and a few paintball tipped arrows, and a paintball hand gun*
Fred: assasin 1, and assasin 2 lock and load, bogey in sight, fire at will. *cocks SMG*
Sis: :roll: lets just start.

OOC: your battle feild of choice guilmon nd a shotgun
hmmm mountains with bunkers everywhere,few trees, wet weather.
this'll do!
lets fight!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: whoa, whoa just a minute.. who's helpin you? I already have my "Navy Seals" in there.

Fred: Right, I'll head in the frontal attack with Sis, while Kenneth takes the Right and Grace takest the left. that should give us the advantage of surprise...

Kenneth: but would if the enemy has an army waiting and we get over run?

Grace: we could move to the village and recrute some troops and make a fort to return to for provisions.

Sis: sounds good to me...

*monitor room*
Fred_18: I wonder if they'll be ready for my assault?
OOC: go to go, got to catch at least 4 hours of sleep for work then school on tuesday. (damn the school work to hell, but hey, at least I learn enough to use in combat!! Twisted ) be back by at least 3:30 PM pacific time, bye.
Reno: What's an assault? Hey! Can I play with that? *Walks forward to a red button with a danger sign nearby*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad