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Spam Wars!!!!!
lol whateva lets finish off these zombies nd get on with some war!
willis jeeps nd humvees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wink
apaches nd orca vtols!!!!!!!! :D
mammoth nd overlord tanks!!!!! :)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: lol you play too much command and conquer don't you Guilmon nd a shotgun? oh well so do I :D .

Sarah: *drops out of a plane then parachutes down to earth*what is the situation?
Grace: *jumps off a motercycle while the driver of it drives off*

sarah has natural blue hair, always carries suicide grenade, army camo, kind of looks like Tanya off of command and conquer redalert 2. has two katanas, martial arts, and silenced hand gun.

Grace has red hair, implanted C4 in her body when her heart isn't pumping for ten minutes straight, oh and the bomb is shock proof. she looks like Jeri in a way, but different. wears leather jacket, blue denim jeans, leather army boots, and black gloves. weapons: long sword, two hand guns, and a talismon that gives her the power to control the wind.

both are sisters of fred, and kenneth.
lol wats ur fav game?
*looks at sarah*
Me: :shock: how fucking sexy!!!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC:generals zero hour, yuri's revenge, and renagade

Fred: *looks up in surprise after hearing Sarah* HUH?! what are you doing here sis?

Sarah: I have no clue, I was just summoned by my boss.

kenneth: what ever, lets just get rid of these freaks from hell!! *starts to slash at zombies that got too close for his liking, then one was at his neck and about to bite him, but it's head suddenly burst in a bloody paste*

Grace: *she lowered her smoking hand gun* do I always have to save you little brother?

Fred: Grace? what are you doing here?

Grace: :roll: same reason Sarah is here, but I got clue *points at a zombie with a chainsaw*

*monitor building*
Fred_18: are they here yet? *holding CB radio in one hand, and a M-16 in the other*
Radio: Yeah, they just landed
Fred_18: good, tell them to clear the area, over and out
OOC: oh, and one thing guilmon, you want to use her in your story? I'll gladly give her to you if you need her.
SD has no real abilities. Just pyrotechnics, flight and immunity to SPAM.


Sarah (MY ONE!!! Evil ) - *joy jump* Someone with the same name as ME!
Sabre - *sweat drop* How confusing.

SD - *shakes head* Whatever. *blasts Guilmon's overlord tanks with fire*
OOC: uhh didn't see that coming...right then make a tweak here, and there... ah here we go...

Sarah: huh? *pulls out a cellphone* hello sarah here...oh, fine by me *puts away cellphone* I guess my name, for the time being, will be "sis"

Fred: uh, well thats something to think about...nevermind. *shots considerable bullets but in the process wasting more*

Grace: would you at least try to conserve your ammo for an ambush!!

Fred: *looks at stock of his ammo and finds that was his last of it, then sweat drops* uhh, can I use one of your Katanas 'Sis'?

Sis: uhh sure *unstraps one of her katanas and gives it to him* don't lose it either, thats a family sword that was passed down and given to me.

Kenneth: would you hurry up, they're getting too close and too many for my liking *slashes a few more and creamates a few with lightning attacks*

Grace: I think we should head to the "Strong hold" where Fred_18 is*then fires last ammo*

Fred: *unsheaths sword and looks at it* hmm, nice marksmenship...*slashes a few zombies without looking*

Sis: lets go!

*back at the 'Strong hold'*
Fred_18: *now firing two AK-47s while talking with an ear peice and enplanted microphone, in a narrow hallway that leads to another* what is they're locations?
Radio: about two kilometers north of your position.
Fred_18: tell them to hurry, I needed them here yesterday.
Radio: will do, over.
Sarah - *takes out enormous chain gun* EAT THIS, SUCKERS! *mows down loads of zombies*

Sabre - *shakes head* What is it with humans and overly powerful weapons?
Neutral - No idea. *shoves a zombie over with a finger* These things are pathetic, anyway.
OOC: what is your sarah like any way? and who the heck is Sabre?

Fred: finally, here atlast*looks around a sees more zombies* damn is there another way in?

Sis: nope as far as I know thats the only way in

Kenneth: try the side stairs? *starts climbing ladder that leads to the roof*

Fred, Sis, and Grace: *face faulters to the ground in shock that they didn't notice that before*

*got to go be backin a few hours*
OOC: Ahem... Sabre is a black Renamon with twin swords on his back. Sarah is a battle hardened, 29 yearold woman with blue hair and grey eyes. Neutal is... IS... a 7 yearold digi-human hybrid, he is blind and always dresses in a black leather suit with a seemingly perposeless metal board on his back (looks like a snow board :P ).


Sarah - *out of ammo* Hmph. I'm out.
Sabre - My turn, then. *draws sword*
Neutral - *smile* You wouldn't run out so fast if you used controlled bursts.
Sarah - *points at Neutral menacingly* Don't make an issue of my technique!