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I... I'm back.
Welcome glad to see that you are alright and back posting again. It is kinda strange how for a while spam was only in the spam area and now this topic is on page 3 in less than a day. I'm starting to believe your some spam god. Anyway glad to see you back.
Of course he's a spam god! How do you think he has over 7000 posts? Oh, by the way, 1 post away from 3000! *cheers*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Seems you'll have to change your siggy once again.

And of course...
You have three Gods of SPAM.
The UN-Holy Trinity.
The S.
The D.
The P.
The Ones!

Ah, I should stop trying new kinds of alcohol while posting *hic*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ah, Mr. UnknownH!! I missed the way you gave me information! And I certainly missed you! Thanks- it's nice to hear that!

Mr. Fox that is Crimson- Shazaw! (RUNS AROUND) I missed you too! Thanks!

Thank you Mr. Guy that is Mental yet not as mental as I am! I missed you as well!!

Mr. Ks_Naslud! How's your vacation? Your Girlfriend? Thanks- I missed ya!

Mr. WOLFE! Jahjahjah- Utada Hikaru can wait- RP- must- do- I missed you buddy who's name I love so much!

Aw Lonely- I'm sorry-er! I shouldn't have lost it- I missed joo a heck lot- I get dizzy easily though- heh- but who cares! You make me dizzy in a good way! Pardon as I wipe my bloodhot eyes- lol-

Gun: You can count on me Missus! (Salutes)

Thanks a heap again Mr. Crimson! Now gimme a B-I-G hug! (hugs)

Freddy-Boy!! Thank you- what have you been up to!?

AYIEEEE- Mr. Ghost_Op! Thanks- and DAMN- what rifle can you recomend if I wanna keep people at least three miles away- yet has a rapid fire mode? Thanks again!

Dreamer- Dreamer Girl!! I missed you too- I missed your cute frizzy hair- those adorable glasses- lets chat later on- I have LOADS of stuff to ask you! MWAH!

Aw Mr. Aguy- I'm no Spamgod- I'm just hyper- Lol- But thanks you anyway- I missed you a lot!! -and Cboy- and B rad-

Congratulations New member Mr. Kyosan! Your speed amazes me!!

Lol- DMX- LOL- Alchohol makes me horny! lol
Gunter, its good to have yah back, and its good you want to talk to my sister and all off us here have worried, but all in all you are here and thats what matters, you are home my love, forgive me as I'm writing this with a throbbing migraine....Again, my love I welcome you home.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
fred: freddy boy? heh, I can live with that, not much, just posting around thats it (aside from working and preparing for school)
Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:Congratulations New member Mr. Kyosan! Your speed amazes me!!

*blinks* It does...? *scratches head* Only because of Spam, RPG's and only about 10 serious posts, lol....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Hey Gunter!!!Glad you're back!

<< >> O_O Attack of the crazy yiffy Renamon!!Stay where you stand and brace yourselves!

(A hundred Renamon run into the room and start at everyone.)
Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:Okay- firstly, I apologize deeply to EVERYONE on this site who my relative pestered, (By relative I mean Raynard) and those that I worried.

I'm a total mess, I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, and I just can't think straight- nor can I type that fast, nor at right mind- sorry guys, after all you've done for me too...

And I just- oh what the heck- I missed you all! Who am I kidding, I can never run away- I'm too much of a COWARD.

Even those of us skilled at hiding our affections missed you, Gun. You won't see me in the thread about you leaving, nor in the threads showing concern for you, but I was there in heart. I just didn't have time to post in them, between work, the dentist, and other responsibilities *looks at the six other contest entries*

The RPGs were very dull without you around, Gunther. I missed reliable and consistent action -- and I have a feeling I'm not the only RPer here who felt that way.

Welcome back, Gun.
sorry to be blunt on this post, but something came to my attention...

Gunter VanCrimson wrote:
Quote:I'm too much of a COWARD.

hey, from my point of veiw, and a few others here where I live, running off and not leaving a note is not being a coward. you just needed some time alone, here a coward is someone who takes them selves from the cycle of life for dumb reasons.

so. you. are. NOT. I REAPEAT! NOT A COWARD!!!

and besides, you have friends that are here to listen to you. If you leave for an internal sleep then somehow I'll find your soul and make it regret you did that, but not in a harmful way.

basically you are not a coward, no matter how much dark blue says.

:( again, sorry for being too blunt,
I think I'll just keep my mind to myself.