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My Digimon run down...
No they don't but it might be the ear that may have thrown him off for some reason.
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Why I love Izzy!

10.He and I have the same age (ten)
9. We're computer geeks
8. We're both kinda brainy
7. He's not a sissy
6. Even though Tai beat him up, he's pretty tuff
5. Is a rebel
4. Doesn't bawl all the time
3. Has cool hair
2. He's cool
1. Him+ Me= Going Out (We're really alike)


[Darth Vader]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/Darth Vader]
Many people say Terriermon and Lopmon are more of the rabbit-type. I mean Suzie repeatedly calls both bunnies. Such as in that rhyme; ''One, two, three, four who's the bunny I adore, five, six, seven, eight my new bunny smells like cake. There's also numerous other references like Gargomon's attack Bunny Pummell, Terriermon's attack Bunny Blast and Gargomon even calling himself a Gun Bunny. The weird thing though is that his name; Terrier is a type of dog. Why anyone would name a digimon that looks like a rabbit, has attacks with rabbit-related names and even calls himself a rabbit is beyond my comprehension.

Lopmon however fits the role better since there are such creatures as lop-eared bunny rabbits. When I first saw Renamon I immediatly made the connection that she was a fox despite the fact she stands on two legs, then again so does Fox from the Star Fox video game series. I think you should show your friend a picture of Terriermon or Lopmon and see what he says about that. I'd be surprised if he didn't say that was the rabbit thing.
Terriermon's attack names have nothing to do with rabbits in the original.
Do you know what the original attack names were?
"Blazing Fire" and "Petit Twister" for Terriermon.

Look it's a demon bunny: Twisted

Yeah, I did think of the ears throwing him off. He wasn't sure what it was and since bunnies are way more popular then foxes that is what he would think of first. It's like cats and dogs are the only carnivores that are considered "cute" as far as the public goes. All the other "cute" creatures and herbivores and furry. Then again most cat/dog food isn't exactly meat.... and suddenly I though of how nasty it would be for a lion to take a dump in kitty litter.

It took a while for it to dawn on me that terriormon's special abilities had bad names. Of course, that was the dubs fault. That was another thing I haven't commented on when I saw the anime in its original language. I was shocked that most of the moves where different and some were way off the mark. "Diamond Storm" was the first one where I saw it. Then it was all of season one where the only moved that didn't change was "Marching Fishes." Why they changed the moves is beyond me. Then again Wargreymon screwing up the names to his moves kinda shows some lazyness... not to mention metalgarurmon's blaster move being "Metal wolf claw?"

Now some changes I can understand. Like season 2's: Digi armor ener.... gize and Season four's "Spirit evolution: execute." The Japanese used english, but since both actors pronounce the words the same the lip synch will be off one way or another.
The original words in the even seasons were "Digimental Up!" and "Spirit-o! Evolution!" with the "o" after "spirit" being inserted because the Japanese language can't stick two consonants together without a vowel.
... I keep on forgetting to add those facts. Well I knew that was how the japanese said it, but I didn't know the exact reason why other then saying: "That is how their language is."

Off hand, I don't think they changed any of the digimon names... just the moves. Though there were plenty of times when dialogue was added to the digimon who were in their higher forms. If I am not mistaken, the only time the mouth never really moved when they talked in the japanese version is when they shouted there move.

Another thing was that I could never rember which came first Ultimate or Mega. I rememeber now, but I'm still paranoid since Japanese and US is different:


I'd like to go by Japan on this, but they would confuse people who don't know... not like anyone really cares either.

I know the eggs... I mean the digiarmor things... are below champion, and the hybrids really have no class since they varied in strength the whole time.
Armor stage Digimon are roughly comparable to Adults, but they have lower attack power and higher defense.