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I think you send it to the wrong forum
The Digial Army is increasing!!! That shit is halarious...
[Image: telsamon.gif]
This Elecmon is armed and dangerous!

Had to pull double duty on that one. I had to change the colors of a "Elecmon Virus" to the normal colors, just because the virus one was more standing up than the other. I also wanted to make it an animated gif, but I can't draw lightning; or I think I can't. My attempts stunk.
lol lol! This stuff is really funny!! Too bad that it'll all be over in a few hours... Good luck in the crunch time lol
When my "evaluation period" ends, I'll try my luck with first.

Unless anyone else has some handy links.
You might not have to worry about the evaulation period ending.. It might still work.. Just like my PSP, it's 30 trial is over, but it says I'm on day 353 and it still works normal lol.. so it just might be a dud on the evaluation time..
[Image: flameyassualt.gif]
Flamedramon: Assualt Mode!(Construction Picture)

I doubt that it'll let me, but meh, maybe. I've been using GetRight for downloads, and that had a 90 day trial period.. I've had it for over a year.
Flamedramon looks hot.. now if only he had no armor and a hardon..........
Heh heh, maybe later.

[Image: berserkeragu.gif]
Agumon; now in Extra Spicy flavor!
Lol, you don't need to listen to me.. I was just ranting about my ideas.. you don't have to take them seriously.. ^^;; Oh, and with Agumon, that's cool, he can use the flamethrower to increase his pepper breath attack....