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Poll: Who is the cutest?
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3 5.56%
1 1.85%
6 11.11%
3 5.56%
8 14.81%
8 14.81%
17 31.48%
2 3.70%
1 1.85%
Other (specify)
5 9.26%
Total 54 vote(s) 100%
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Who is the cutest rookie digimon?
Stormy: Now, I've run out of things to say, so I'll just speed up the cooking with a little lightning... *zap!* It's all ready, so let's eat.

Veemon: I'm the cutest, so I go first...

Stormy *notices all the objections*: Veemon, don't be difficult,

Labramon: Yeah, I'm cuter than you, only nobody voted for me because half of them have never seen me...

Veemon: Sure, it's really cute licking your butt all the time :roll:, at least some of us use paper...

Elecmon: At least some of us can fight without our tamers saving our behinds all the time, you wouldn't last a second in the digital world without Davis to plant his D-3 fertiliser on your blue arse

Everyone: OOOOH!!

Stormy: Break it up! Right! Get into line and NO PUSHING!!! *sigh* I knew this would end in chaos...

Veemon: Sorry, I didn't mean to be so selfish...

Elecmon: Sorry I said that nasty thing

Stormy: That's okay, *hugs* Takes big mon to admit their mistakes, here,
just for that, you two can go first
Ancient: *takes a plate and goes to the food* hope I'll get something too.

Tiamat: *sits down and looks around.*

Veemon: You should get something too, it's tasty.

Tiamat: Nah, you Digimon should eat first.

Veemon: *munches*
(Very suddenly)

Piedmon: GHAA HAA HAA! A gathering of the twits, how marvellous... *evil laugh*

Stormy: Hey! You weren't invited at all!

Piedmon: Then consider me a gate crasher... Trump Sword!!

*shoots swords everywhere*

Gabumon: Oh no! We can't digivolve! Our tamers aren't here!

Elecmon: Stormy's my tamer! Elecmon warp-digivolve to...

Telestomon: Well, since my name's on the script you know who I am now... *eyes begin to glow, raises paw* Storm Beam!

Piedmon: GHAA! Clown Trick!

Telestomon: Thunder Fence!

*attack is blocked*

Telestomon: Now, you rookies might not be able to digivolve, but I can make you as powerful as you are in your mega forms *radiates energy* Zwischenzug!

Veemon: Huzzah?

Stormy: It raises your power! Everyone! Attack!

Gabumon: Metal Wolf Claw!

Veemon: Positron Laser!

Guilmon: Elyson Blaster!

Patamon: Hallowed Knuckle!

Salamon: Apocalypse!

Labramon: Diamond Furnace!

Gomamon: What's my mega form?

Stormy: MarineAngemon. Use Ocean Love

Gomamon: I'm not using that corny attack! What's his other one?

Stormy: Smiling face

Gomamon: *anime stagger* Settle with my ultimate then... Vulcan's hammer!

Renamon: Dragon Helix!

Stormy: Huh? I didn't see you there

Renamon: Well, I was surrounded by dopey males as usual,

Piedmon: You're not the only one who can team up! Play time, my friends!

*cloud of evil digimon appear*

Stormy: We need your help Tia!
Tiamat: *holds up the golden Digivice and a glaring stream gone out of it and hitted AncientVeemon.*

Ancient: AncientVeemon digivolves toooooo AncientFlamedramon.
*starts his attack "Endless heaven" *it soaked all new summoned evil Digimon into a dark hole and they shattered to data.* What a luck, he can only summon rookies and other champions. ^^

Piedmon: wtf?

The others: *looks with wide opened eyes*

Tiamat: Too bad, Ancient is half angel. He can make powerful holy attacks. This was one of them.

Ancient: Ok, now it is your turn. Get Piedmon!

Tiamat: ALright Stormy, let all your Digimon attack now. Don't worry, Ancient can heal you all.

(note his attack took him a lot of power, and he had not done that much fights right now. And he is half angelic Digimon, he can cure the Digimon.)
Stormy: Okay, everyone, show no mercy, use all of your power!

Telestomon: Epimethius Bolt!

Veemon: Dragon Heart!

Gabumon: Ayres Force!

Gomamon: Southern Cross!

Guilmon: Omega Flare!

Renamon: Talisman Sphere!

Patamon: Hallowed Ascension!

Salamon: Terra Apocalypse!

Labramon: Sirius Ray!

Piedmon: Hah! Your mega subsitutes are no match for my true mega power! Clown Trick!

*all are hit*

Stormy: Right! That does it! *gathers clouds* NOBODY ruins my BARBEQUES!!! REIGN OF THUNDER!!!

Piedmon *gets blown into hole*: Nooo! *vanishes*

*AncientFlamedramon heals everyone and devolves*

Stormy: Err... everything's burned now
Tiamat: Nice, I like thunderstorms.

Ancient: You're crazy, Tia.

Tiamat: So enjoyable, bright and loud. Well hmm, good the grill is still ok, and the flesh seems to be fine too.

Ancient: Hello? We had a fight!

Tiamat: I know. I am surprised about your power, Stormy. Anyways, it was a good teamwork.

Ancient: I am hungry now.

Tiamat: Then go and eat something.
Stormy: Thanks, just one of the tricks you learn by being a wizard... well the food is okay if you scrape off the burnt bits... *bites into kebab* wow, that's one mighty marinade, Elecmon

Elecmon: Yeah, secret recipe though

Stormy: You and your secrets

Guilmon: Mmm, I like these peanut sticks

Stormy: They're peanut satay, be careful, they're hot

Renamon: Well, Guilmon does shoot fire out of that mouth so I don't think satay will affect him

Guilmon: Mmm... AAACK!!

Veemon: You're not supposed to eat the sticks! *bangs Guilmon's back, stick flies out* Anyway, Elecmon, how did you raise our powers just then?

Elecmon: Because I've learned something at primary village that brings out your inner power...

Gomamon: Primary Village? How come you left

Elecmon: Duh, it's been relocated, Tree of Life and Swanmon's in charge. Anyway, came across Stormy the other month, became friends, then he got a digivice thingy, and I could digivolve to Telestomon, a wizard digimon, that's how I got the power

Gabumon: That's clarifying.

Jesse *looking through telescope*: Ha ha ha ha ha ha... look at all these rare pokemon

James: Ooh! We could have a field day today

Meowth: Yeah, it's time to move on to other captures dan dat invincible Pikachu all da time...
Ancient: *munches* Pok
I voted for Guilmon,he has the cutest face.and demiveemon is the cutest

til next time
(note - they think the digimon are pokemon because they're so dim-witted)

Stormy: Hmm, strange, I use cosmical ether to shoot lightning and it works okay for me

Ancient: No you don't,

Stormy: How do you know that?

Ancient: Because it doesn't exist and... aww, darn!

Stormy: Heh heh, never mind. Hey, maybe I could teach you how to use magic properly? Maybe even teach you lightning magery?

Elecmon: With my help of course...

Veemon: Hey! I wanna use magic as well!

Guilmon: Me too!

Gabumon: Can you teach all of us?

Stormy: *sigh* alright...