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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
"oh?" vook moved her claw around back and started scratching the base of altima's tail. "how's that hon?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Anna shuddered and moaned softly. "mmm then keep going... it feels really nice..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well, let me go get my tank back from Altima and I'll blow you up nice and big. Be right back," he purred, giving her bloated tummy a pat before racing out the door down to Altima's room.

"Wonder if she told him I was awake," he muttered as he knocked on Altima's door.
Anna mrred, squirming slightly. 'I probably should've told Altima or Vook that Shadow's woken up...'
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Niyara Wrote:Alita nodded, looking up at Frank. "I can see how that would be confusing... What did the girl look like? I may know of her if she was with Robin.. Shendo and I fought him and his group once."

"she was dark becouse i have to .. no she has purpel hare, has sperital telepath, has a monsteris aperince thats me?,whare a clouk of kelvan meshe and has a gem in her forhaed. no what i whare kelvan clothes uggg this is a pane"
Alita nodded. "That sounds like the bitch who hit Shendo with the truck... Why don't we sit down.. and talk about this some more.."
Kenzuma jumped back as Shadow came to the door, hoping that he wasn't noticed, but still smiling slightly because he knew that Shadow was okay again.
"yay, our memerys seem to be geting mixed up, we both hate our fathear's." frank sighed "it's hard to deal weth two life time's of bad memery's."
Alita nodded. "I can kinda understand that.. now.. think a bit, and find the memories that don't have the girl in them at all... those will be your's.."
"mrr.... th-that feels good..." Altima cooed, as he lolled his tongue. His eyelids remained half-closed in stupor, as his dragonhood slowly began to twitch with each rub Vook gave his tail.