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The school is under attack!!!(can contain all types of sex)
"Then why did you come to a fucking school then!!" Blackie yelled hopping back up
"I came for the same reason you did most likely to grab a girl and have you way with them but like I found some one that I could fight as a equal," Samson stated shortly before he fell down passing out from exsasion.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Blackie growled loudly "I did not come here in search of a girl to just grab and do what I want with her." he then walked back over to June and hugged her dearly "I love June..."
June melted onto Blackie "Ooohh, Blackie..."

Invisimon blinked and stared at Blackie and June "D-Did you just say..." He suddenly grinned.
"Yes...I love June." Blackie softly licked the top of her head
June murred softly, closing her eyes.

Invisimon's grin grew "That's great..."
Blackie smiled softly looking down at June "The greatest I've ever felt." he lightly nuzzled her.

OOC: Ho...Post flood guys
Sophia pulled her hand away, the light on it moved from her hand into her palm and formed into a small orb, "What's going on?" She asked as she stared almost hypnotized at it.

Shady looked at her surprised, Are the legends true? Could... could she be a digidestined?

The small orb elongated as it formed into a small device, the grips on the side were a bright firey red, the rest was a dark black, Sophia noticed that the two colors matched Reno and Shady's fur colors, "What is this thing?" She asked as she examined it.

"A digivice," Shady explained, "Long ago humans supposedly came to the digital world through an opened gate, they got these digivices which allowed their partner digimon to evolve to higher states."

"So, you're my partner?" Sophia asked as she looked at Shady.

"Looks like it, judging by the red color I'd say you're also stuck with red over there." She said pointing at Reno, "But with this the two of us can become bigger. I'd love to see what my next form looks like."

Slash moaned as he held onto Laila tightly, his precum leakin out of his piss hole and onto Laila's tongue as it moved along his shaft, "I... will never... tire... of this!" He said between grunts of pleasure as he moved his hips to match her bobbing.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Nwhooo...." Railemon cooed, while murring as well, as his member throbbed in the dragoness' mouth - the liquid from her mouth lubing it up quite well. "....I-I'm liking this...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Reno blinked as he somehow felt his strength back from the light, he stood up on his four paws and walked ahead next to the girls, "What's up?" he asked, before he noticed the digivice in Sophia's hand, "Woaaahh..." he said amazed, "Could it be true?" he wondered, before he drooled a bit, "Food!" he cheerfully said before starting to happily jump up and down, "Gimme-gimme-gimme!!"

Laila kept sucking, holding Slash's cock with one of her hands, she quickly moved her free hand over Gatomon's pussy, she tried her best to put in a finger, ending up pushing the cat's clitoris by accident.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad