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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Lunatio Beach)

Masquerade smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way, Faiz. It's a shame that you joined in the Rebellion Force's last days, though. It still makes me feel depressed when I think that we're actually breaking apart. However, I am more than proud of what I, and ever single soldier in the RF has accomplished, so I also couldn't be more happier."

Masquerade ceased his stargazing and looked to the west where the beach continued to stretch for a while before ending at some cliffs. "Well, you may enjoy the beach, but that is not the surprise. If you would follow me a little longer, there is something much greater to be seen."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Beach)

"We have one thing in common...topple down the evil Queen...and that's the reason why I'm joining RF....You guys change me from non-talkative to talkative person..." He said as approaches Masquerade. "Oh, really...? Of course I want to stay and be with you a little bit longer until you say otherwise...." The wolf smiled slightly. "Mind showing me the surprise, my friend...?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Beach)

"Of course. Just follow me," Masquerade said happily. Instead of running, he decided to stroll along the moonlit beach, his eyes taking in every soothing and tranquil detail. They would be at their destination soon enough.

(Deadwood Plains)

An arrow shot through the air landing right into a soldier's neck. Another volley of arrows flew through the air, each finding it's mark in an enemy soldier's throat.

"Don't let them defeat you!" Nara shouted. "We've made it this far, and we're not leaving until you rebels are DEAD! Fireball!!" Nara levitated into the air and threw an enormous fireball at the line of archers firing at her army. Most of the bodies were singed in an instant, and any archer who avoided death was left with horrible, agonizingly painful burns.

"We must send word to the castle!" one of the surviving archers shouted. He whistled into the dark night air. A carrier pidgeon came flapping along and landed on the ground next to the archer. He took a small roll of parchment out of his pocket and scrawled a note. With his final breaths, he tied the note to the pidgeons leg and whistled again telling the pidgeon that it needed to be off.

The note read: They will be here by mid-morning. Set forth the emergency plan.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Beach)

With that, the wolf follows and walk besides Masquerade side by side with both tails swishing slowly yet happily, his foot paws rubs against the soft sandy ground as he walk, leaving a short line and foot prints on it.

(Shimmering Mountain: Ledge)

After a while of snoozing, Mika open her eyes as she felt something uneasy. While Ariadne sleeping peacefully on her side, she try to pick up some sense and scan the nearby area and about 5 miles radius, searching for something that disturbs her. "It's too quiet..but my heart felt uneasy...?" She thought while her eyes looking up in to the night sky.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Aurona Ruins)

After a few minutes of strolling along the beach, they finally reached the destination of which Masquerade had set for them. The sands of the beach had given way to the rocky features of the cliffs. The grasses of the dunes receded and were subdued by the more mundane grass that covered most of the plains. Wildflowers danced lazily in the breeze, their pungent aroma mixing with the subtle smell of the ocean.

Masquerade stood at the bottom of the cliffs looking at a rough, dirt trail that led up to the very top. From where he stood, he could see ruins of some sort. Wild vines wrapped themselves around the crumbling stone, suffocating the ancient stones. Masquerade sighed.

"Well, we made it," he said solemnly and quietly. "This is...well, let's get a better look, shall we?" He began his ascent up the rough, dirt trail.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Ariadne dozed peacefully, and Dusk slept like a dead man.

Up above, Aerionelle was perched, unable to sleep. He sighed, but thought nothing. He merely sat there, gazing at the stars. Thoughts of his lost brothers started appearing in his head. Heh, I'll join you soon enough, guys. Don't worry; the bastard who summoned us to this plain of existence will perish soon, as well. He closed his eyes once again, feeling the warm air of the night press against his shadowy feathers.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Aurona Ruins)

The wolf nodded as kept on following Masquerade to the dirt trail which guide them to the top. The mixed scent of the ocean water and wildflowers makes his heart feel calm and vanished all of his worries.

(Shimmering Mountain)

After a while looking up to the night sky, Mika let out a soft yet long sigh before cuddling Ariadne to keep her warm and comfort. She still being disturbed with uneasy feeling, but she'll try to let it aside for a moment and have a good night sleep; all her senses except hearing are turned off until the next morning.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Aurona Ruins)

The scene when they reached the top was one of complete destruction. Many of the ancient stones of which the vines strangled were also charred as if hit by intense fire. The green grass grew over the once cobblestone paths of what these ruins used to be which was apparently a town. The remains of many buildings lay dying, waiting for the sands of time to carry them off into oblivion. Not a single sign of life was left. Not even the insects of the night play their serenade for this fallen town.

A tear ran down Masquerade's cheek from under his masked as he gazed at the wreckage. "Welcome to my hometown, Faiz," he said sadly. " Aurona."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Aurona Ruins)

Once there, Faiz went silence and froze like a statue as he saw indescribably views of ruins which previously is Masquerade's hometown. Since Faiz and Mika being taken and taking care by the guardian, they never visit their hometown to see what is exactly happen. This is because their guardian didn't want them to remember their sad past and continue living like the guardian is their real mother.

The wolf turned around with his ears swiveled to the back and gently hug Masquerade to comfort him. "...I don't know what to say...I'm speechless...You shouldn't show this to me in the first place, Masquerade..." He stated softly, trying to hold his eternal sadness which has been kept for a very long time.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Aurona Ruins)

Masquerade hugged Faiz back. "No, it's alright, you silly wolf. It's a part of my past that I refuse to let go. I can't let this memory fade. This is so because the memories of my family, friends, childhood--good, anguished, frightening, exciting memories--all of them are buried under these stones." He let more tears run down his cheek, each drop paling in comparison to the mighty ocean that roared peacefully below.

"You agree, right? This place is merged with my soul," he explained. "I don't let this memory get me depressed every day. I let this memory motivate me. It helps me stay determined to make sure that a tragedy such as this never happens again." He gazed up into Faiz's eyes. There was a blaze burning in Masquerade's eyes, but it was covered by the mask.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Aurona Ruins)

Faiz hugs Masquerade closer to his furry body to warm him a little. For him and Mika, they have memories, but in different perspective. Orphan house is their living place and playground, other orphan child is their fellow friends and playmates, their guardian is their own mother. Their guardian have to do this for the sake of their beloved families in order for them to grown up matured, independent and become an ultimate warriors, as well as not remembering their past.

"Yes, I agree with you..." The wolf said. He can't denied he could feel something unusual of this place. "I'm sure...with our own effort...and the help from our beloved friends and comrades...there would be no casualties involved innocent civilians..." He added as stering deeply into Masquerade's eyes before plant a soft kiss on his forehead.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds