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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky accepts the hit, falling onto his back and staying there, rubbing the spot where he was kicked.

"Hmm.... It seems we're pretty evenly matched.... But I wonder what I could do with my powers."
yes, i wonder...
Veemon's Followers
"Think I should try it?"
go right ahead
Veemon's Followers
He sighs and braces himself, then closes his eyes and concentrates on his past, and Blue's present-- the only combination currently that can make him mad enough. He opens his now fierce eyes, whose irises glow blue while the pupils glow as silver points inside the blue circles.

Suddenly, Ky is behind Cronos.
Veemon's Followers
::Moonshadow's head snaps up:: (turns out he fell asleep)
"...what's happening..."
::he disapears in a spurt of great speed, and pushes Cronos down- just in time. slash marks suddenly apear on the wall, all the furniture are cut in half::
"Ky, you should be careful when you try using your powers- Cronos couldve been- sigh. never mind. that was very advanced Sorcery though... very impressive-"
::notices the special sketeboard on the bed, and grins.::
"I see youve found your new skateboard. do you like it?"
::pulls cronos back up::
::suddenly, Moonshadow's ears perk up::
"I'm sorry, but I have something to take care of. tell Blue... I'll be back in the morning."
::turns around::
"you two be good now. Bye."
[Moonshadow is engulfed by the Shadows, and he dissapears, leaving Cronos and Ky alone]
ok, i ment something like the fire illusion i did, not the cut everything into pices including me magic
Veemon's Followers
::jumps in through the window with Khoi (sleeping) in his arms::
"I'm back- and Hey- look who I found outside!"
::realizes the room is in shambles::
"What happened here!?"
::walks to the bed::
"Moonshadow? Moonshadow?"
::looks around::
"Where's Moonshadow? *Crrrk!* ow- my arm!"
::drops khoi on the bed, and twists his arm around, making another CrrrK! sound::
"okay, from the beggining: what happened here, and where's Moonshadow- (notices the dangerous-looking skateboard on the bed next to Khoi) WOAH! cool skateboard!!! Ky- is that- YOURS!?"
::looks excited::