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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"Things like me arent born hideous orc! We exist, and we kill, and if you are smart you will kill me now or I swear to the nine hells you will regret your own pitiful birth!" She hissed into his mind as her magic ceased. "I will make you wish your mother had strangled you! I will eat your dreams and drink your soul! You will seek insanity for reprieve from my wrath and find none!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master raised his hand up to beat the nymph, but stopped. He sighed and calmed himself down, wanting a good, calm mind for this. "Let's calm down. I offered you a chance at freedom. You have two options. Accept my deal, or ask for death."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The nymph seemed shocked, but her anger simply rolled out in palpable waves. "I will never willingly be your puppet beast! Never! NEVER!" Perhaps after a few days serving as the kind of slave Kase had once been she would change her mind, but it seemed for the moment that she would rather accept death than the deal. Luckily, it wasnt up to her, and the gift of choice was something that the master didnt have to give her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...From now on, you will not speak to me through our link unless I order you to," the Master stated, silencing her. From there, he would follow with more orders. "Kiss me, and when you do, you will experience a fantastic orgasm," he stated, moving so they were face to face.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"You disgusting son of a whore witch! I will make you suffer the death of a thousand-" Suddenly, silence. He could still feel her anger, her hatred and frustration. But then when he heard the next order, he felt embarrassment and fear, not wanting to follow the order, especially when she know what the result would be. But when he lowered his face to hers, she leaned forward, her mind screaming in defiance, wordlessly expressing her resistance. She pecked him on the lips and then cried out and moaned, falling backwards and arching her back as her pussy gushed juices. The cries of her mind were drowned out by the sudden wave of pleasure that exploded out of her and wiped her brain clean of thoughts. She then lay there on the floor, her dress wet around the crotch area as she moaned in the after glow, trying to recover.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master looked down at the girl and smiled as the wanted effect took place. He moved up to her ear and whispered, "When you feel my tongue licking your body, you will feel amazing pleasure. But you will not cum. You will just relax in the wonderful feelings of pleasure I give you." He then moved down and moved her dress, licking her wet pussy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The nymph withered and moaned on the floor in the aftershocks of her orgasm and could do nothing as he whispered his next order into her ear. Her eyes shot open but she couldnt resist him and he could feel her waning mind trying to thrash against the control of the Anklet with all her strength, desperately battling its dominating influence as The Master slowly lowered his head down her body. "N...N...o...s....s...t..." she pleaded into his mind, struggling hard against the control, only able to defy its power with her thoughts, and then only so much. In fact, that was all she managed to get out before he arrived at her pussy, pulling back the folds of her dress to gaze upon her glazed wonder. A hot blush covered her face and her butt wiggled as she tried to move away, but the anklet wouldnt let her.

Then came the first lick and again a wave of pleasure distorted her thoughts, breaking all her concentration. It wasnt as powerful as a full on orgasm, but it was close. She released a shameful moan and gasp, her pussy twitching as the pleasure spread through her. Then the second lick, a follow up blast of ecstasy that built up on the first. "Ahhh...." She moaned, still unable to speak at all. Her hands weakly clawed the wooden floor, her pussy lubricating itself more in response to the pleasuring licks.

Then the third lick, The Master's large orc tongue easily covered the small nymph's entire pussy each time, and like so many other things about orcs, his tongue was rough and skilled. The next wave of pleasure was a like a shot gun blast tearing through the frail paper walls of her minds last defenses and sent her brain spiraling into the abyss of another mind shattering orgasm, or rather, it would have, save for the magic of the anklet. Her orgasm was restrained, and the shock in her mind was palpable. She had expected paradise, and instead experienced simply more lust.

For a few seconds she projected rage beyond words and frustration past reason into his mind, blasting him with her displeasure and hatred. Then came the fourth deadly lick, a powerful blast of pleasure that built off the third and made thinking literally impossible for her for a few seconds. The insane rush of lust should have brought her to the greatest orgasm of her long life, and yet again, there was a halt, a restraint, and she found herself vexed once more by the magic of the anklet.

Her body trembled, her voice filled the room with moans and screams of delight and pleasure, and she couldnt even recover fast enough this time to project her emotions at him at all. She thrust her hips up uncontrollably for the fourth lick, pushing her pussy up towards him in shame and sheer lust, and that lick knocked away the last of her self consciousness that remained. It would take her minutes to recover any of her thoughts now, and all that mattered, all that existed, was the pleasure of The Master's tongue against her soaked pussy.

Her juices tasted sweet, almost like a fruit juice, but one that The Master had never tasted before. Her skin began to change color, blue, and then red and then orange and then purple and then back to blue, trying anything in her power to escape him, unable to even understand her futility anymore.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Never. The Orc watched as his licks took effect and he saw her body go crazy, colors changing and muscles spazzing. He loved how she looked. Seeing the cruel bitch pay for hurting his loved one, threatening him...It was beyond perfect.

After the last lick he began to take off her dress, leaving her naked for him. He then went to her small breasts, licking and sucking on her adorable nipples, his green fingers stroking her sides expertly. "You are my slave. You are my lover. With each kiss, with each touch, you will fallen deeper in love and devotion to me," he said between kisses.

He then moved up to her face, his hard cock lightly stroking against her inner thighs as he kissed her forehead and then her cute nose. He looked at her pleasure filled face and continued. "You are mine. Now and forever. My slave. Nothing else matters but to love me, your master. Pain is pleasure when it comes from me. Life is perfection just by being near me. And with this kiss, you will finally orgasm, and that orgasm will be the best in your entire life so far..." With that, he kissed her lips, pushing his tongue into her mouth and dominating it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The Master kissed the Nymph again, before he suddenly pulled away from her, teasing her and keeping away the glorious and holy cock he had. "Get up, you sexy creature, and dance for your master!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She wined softly when he pulled the cock away from her, and looked like she was on the edge of a tears for a moment. Then she heard the order and jumped to her feet instantly to follow it. But then she froze up and looked at the ground, blushing hard.

"L-Lord...I dont know how to dance for you." She said softly, tears welling up in her eyes and splashing onto the floor. Nymphs danced and danced often, but their dance took place in the trees and meadows, and was a running, springing graceful dance, not something that could be preformed inside of a house. It was not dancing for the sake being seen but dancing for the sake of dancing, and she hadnt even done that in thousands of years considering how long she had been one of the Dark Nymphs.

Every second left in silence made her sink deeper into a depression born of her inability to instantly follow the orders of her god, her absolute love. She began to shake, struggling to keep from weeping. She wanted so badly to know how to dance, to dance for her master, but one didnt learn much about anything when trapped in a cursed forest.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)