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Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG)
"Well thats the risk I will have to take," I said, I put the sword onto the bed. “Well if where doing it know I’d better jump through the window just so they won’t see me.” I say as I put the sword off the bed and strap it to my waste.

I started to remember what my dad said to me when I was a bit younger,
'Every time a war has started and the other clan wants to stop the war they must prove it to show they are meaning it.'

I looked back at Rick knowing what I must say to him. "Rick, you need to know this. When I tell the clan my father is going to ask me to prove it so I will have to kiss you a long as possible. Will you be alright if I do that to you?" I ask in a very kind voice.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
My mind was elsewhere, like the wake up call that will be coming along shortly. So I nodded with whatever she said. "Sure, whatever, I think you better get going now."
Many times lost, many times found again.
I just opened the window a little before looking back. "Ok, you have got to meet me at the middle of the battle field before my clans horn goes off. Ok bye." I say before I open the window a bit more and jump out heading towards the ground. I landed on all fours, already running into the forest towards the battle field.
But when I reached the middle there was still some bodies that have not been taken away from both clans, so I just sat down on the ground waiting for Rick to arrive.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
It was only after she jumped that her words registered. I quickly turn around to the window to call out to her "H-Hey!....Damn, she's already gone..." I sat down heavily on the bed, only to have the wake up come knocking and telling me to meet up for blessing for the upcoming battle. I groan What a start to a day!
Many times lost, many times found again.
I just sat there waiting for Rick, the only thing was not good was the smell of rotten bodies.
The leader came out of his room heading towards her daughter room and opened it but she was not there. “Claira? Where the hell is that girl?” He looked around noticing that there was a book on the floor and he read the page that was circled in pen. He went out of the room in anger and shouted, “Get ready for battle! Everyone get ready.”
He walked around the ground steaming up like a kettle ready to blow.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
I stood infront of the strike team, my weapon a shortsword tipped with poison strapped in it's scabbard on myside, and the firesword in its own scabbard on my back, replacing my usual combat sword. I prayed i wouldn't have to use it last second if at all in this battle, it was widely known that the flamingswords were of the Fox clan. It was my turn to be blessed, looked like Elder Silverfur knew i had the sword!

"...May You forever be known in well as your team." Elder Silverfur said mostly to Rick, giving him that significant look, before adding the team as an afterthought.
Richard Bloodmane looked down at his army at half strength, the other half ready to respond at a moments notice. He felt Ancient power coming from the strike teams, a sure sign of a good battle. He was glad to have given Rick command of the strike teams. He wrapped his cloak around himself as he made his way down for blessing, thinking of the victory ahead.

If he only knew...
Many times lost, many times found again.
I was still waiting for Rick, a bit tired waiting for him to come. But I had a really bad feeling that my father new about me as foxes share a very close connection with each other.
Every single fox in the clan new I was in the battle field but they didn’t know why. “Lewis, we are ready to go to war.” One of the older foxes said as he stood there looking at the trees that hid the battle field.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Richard walked over to Rick. "Son, today, you will prove yourself in battle, you will earn 1 of 4 titles today. I hope you to become a Bloodmane."

Rick was stunned, "I..I..."

Richard smiled and told him "I shall see you in the battlefield, you take your men and get ready to ambush, we shall be Victorious!" He had the zeal in his eyes, the one Rick didn't like.

Rick turned around, praying for redemption for his decision. He waved his strike team to get ready. I walk up to my Father, him holding out a hand, signalling he wanted a hug. I accepted, and as he pulled me close to him, my sword stabbing him in the gut.

Richard's eyes went wide, as blood dripped out of his mouth. "Wha..."

"Its for the best...Its for the Clan....Father." I held tears back as i slumped down with him as he died. He would've never accepted peace, only war.
Many times lost, many times found again.
I was close to falling to sleep. I could see only a few battle members come from the woods as the horn was blow, Its too early. I still sat there looking towards the memember of my father clan walking out without the armor.
Are the nuts? I thought to myself as the all went up to me and sat down right by me, even my father came out and looked at me. I was smiling a bit, I think my father had something to do with this.

"Daughter, whats wrong?" he asked in a kind voice as he sat down by me.

"I want to stop the war, but I don't want any of the clan to stop me please father," I said as I sat there rubbing my arm a little.

"Well, have you decided what you will do?" he asked me as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I am going to give myself to Rick, the other leaders son. I know you'll hate the idea but its best for the clan." I say in a very honest voice.

My father took out a necklass and quickly put it on me. "This was your mothers, when you leave here with the leaders son her spirit will be with you as you have already started to be like her when she was young just like you."

I smiled as I could tell the other clan was about to come towards the battle field as I could feel Rick fear.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
"Good...You have proven yourself well my I shall rule the Clan!" It was Elder Bloodmane running out of the shadows with a daggar in his hand intending to kill me.

My entire body froze up in great fear as he came charging at me, i dodged last second in a defensive stance. My only thoughts were on Claira.
Many times lost, many times found again.