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Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Gato's eyes water as she hears that. "This was not my choice. I have to obey orders. I am not going to let them mind fuck you over though. Ben I am going to go talk to Alexander one more time can you look after Yuna and make sure she's taken care of?" Ben nods and says. "Of course my love I promise I will take VERY good care of her!"

Gato then leaves and Ben get a wicked grin on his face.


Danny takes Alexis to a old subway car were you see a crate. "In here I got 2 Stealthboys. I modifyed then so they will least up to a hour without going out. But after that they are dead for good cause that much power will burn out the wires."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Yuna ignores Gato as she leaves and then see Ben leering at her. She sighs. "Go ahead, I don't care anymore." Without even giving him a chance to speak she quickly strips off her clothes and presents herself to him. "Well, go on. You've already taken everything else from me so you might as well have sex with me again before it's too late."


"Not bad." Alexis says with a smirk as she pats Danny on the back. "You must be really good with machines to do something like that, I'm impressed."
Be removes his clothes as well. "Oh I don't plan for you to go totaly brain dead on me. You see I got my own agenda for you and the Alien ship. Once your acitvate the systems on the ship I will kill Alexander, and my to sweet wife then I will rework your mind again to make you into my compelet sex slave. You will live only to please me and beg me for my cock in you."

Ben gets on his naked butt on the floor then says. "But before that we do as you say got time so come over here and let see if sucking on that fithly Ghoul boys mutanted cock has made you forget how to please a real dick!"


Danny smiles and says. "Well before the bombs dropped I was a interner at Robo-Co and even assised in working on Vault 112 and 87. I know my way around alot of machines. So whats the game plan on getting my soon to be wife and her grandpa back?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Yuna looks at Ben, horrified at his plan. Even after everything he's done she couldn't believe he could do something so evil. After a minute she sighs and crawls over to him. "B-Before I start can I ask you something?" She pauses and looks up at him with tears in her eyes. "Before you found out what I was, did...did you really care about me? Even a little?"


"Just a simple cloak and dagger plan. Thanks to you the cloak part'll be alot easier now." Alexis smiles at him and fixes her steath boy on her wrist. "We sneak in, find Yuna and John, lead them out," She punches her fist into her open palm before finishing. "And if we run into that bitch or anyone else on the way out...we kill them."
Ben is shocked to hear this and get up and starts to walk around. "I......You.....That dosn't matter anymore. I mean your Not a person your a THING we created with DNA in a lab. You mommy just held you. NO she's not even your mother she's just some woman that held the DNA."

Ben then see's how sad that Yuna was getting then said. "Yes. Yes I did care for the young girl I thought you were. But now what I know what you are your just a toy for me to play with. You have no rights, fuck you don't even have a soul."


Danny attaches his stealth boy too then says. "What if we run into your dad. I know what he did to you and your mother is horrable but he's still your father and I noticed he didn't kill you back at your home, maybe he does still love you?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"*sniff*" Yuna wipes a few tears away before speaking again. "I-I know I'm not real, even when Gato tried to convince me I was I knew she didn't mean it." She then looks at Ben again and, much to his shock, smiles at him. "But thank you. For saying you actually cared about me I mean. Even though it turned out like this I'm happy that we were really friends, even for a little while." With that, and still with a smil, she bent forward and started licking Ben's cock.


"I doubt it." Alexis says indifferently. "The only reason he didn't chase after me is because Yuna is probably more valuable that I am. But either way if we do see him-" She swings her sword at blinding speed carving a large hole in the subway car. "I'll take care of him."
Gato is granted access into Alexanders office where he has 2 soilders in full armor next to his desk. The office was once High Elder Lions before he found dead in his office many years ago. "Sir I would like to speak to you again. Is there really no other way to get the ship working? Maybe if we find just try to hot wire or rerute the system to make it work without her help. Please Sir I BEG you to find another way."


Ben moans and rubs Yuna's head. "Mmmm thats nice. Thats very nice." ^_^


Danny and Alexis soon make it to the outside of one of the base subway enterance. As they go a celling mounted guns open up on us. Both of them take cover behind rubble. "I seen these before they are the Brotherhood's answer to wandering Ghoul that get to close to their property."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Are you still going on about that?" Alexander asks her, not even looking up from the papers he's reading. "Honestly, I'll never understand how you think Gato. But to answer your question, we've tried every concievable method to activate the ship. We managed to get a few small sections working but they shut down only moments later. I'm truely sorry about your feelings on this, misguided they may be, but without Alien DNA we'll never be able to get that technology to work properly." He sighs and sets down his papers. "Now then unless you want to try talking to it again, I'd like to start the mind wiping process as soon as possible."


Yuna couldn't help but giggle as she takes his cock all the way into her mouth.


"Yeah well unfortunately for them, we're alot smarter than a random Feral." She pulls a pulse grenade out of her pack and tosses it into the hall, wiping out the guns. "Come on, that cost us too much time."
Gato shacks her head and starts to growl. "Sir. I am sorry I have obeyed everything you told me. I have even killed innocent Ghoul children for you. I have so much blood on my hands I will never see Heaven for all the sins I have done. But I will not again kill another innocent and doing what you say would be killing who she is. Ever since Lions never wanted this and no matter what you say I will not belive the Order of the Brotherhood tells us to massacure innocent people and I will no longer stand by while the ideals of order and goodness that I have sworn to uphold is twisted into a hammer and used to beat people down!" Gato yells and looks very pissed off.


Ben glares. "What the hells so funny?" He said as his cock was getting alot bigger.


Danny hurrys. "It won't be long until they find out those are not working anymore and.....O_O" Danny looks up as Alexis goes up the staries and see's her full and hot ass and pussy under her dress. "Feeling a bit of a draft there?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Alexander's stares at Gato looking shocked. He never thought he'd see the day one of his best would turn against him. "I see." He says calmly as he stands up and looks into her eyes. "To be honest Gato I'm disappointed in you. I'd hoped that you'd be smarter than this but it seems you have too much of your father in you." His mouth twists into a wicked grin. "Just as he had too much of that weakling Lyons in him." He snaps his fingers and the two guards quickly level their weapons at her. "And now you'll die, just like they did."


Yuna flinches and glances up at him. "S-Sorry. I-I'm just trying to enjoy it." She whimpers again and sobs. "As much as I don't want to this might be the last thing I ever feel. I-I just want to...never mind." She sighs and goes back to work, deepthroating Ben's cock.


"That depends you enjoying the view?" She asks with a flirting smile before reaching the top of the stairs. "What? I don't like underwear, it always bunches up. Now pick up your jaw and keep moving unless you want a robot for a wife!"