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Poke Catchen
Flare's ears dropped and she looked up at Shaun and said "Um...its my fault really...she did not want to go at first but I pressured her into it." She looked down at her feet. "Please dont punish her." She asked, blushing a little. She was not about to ask for punishment but would take it if it meant that Vap's was off the hook. It was not really her fault after all and besides, how harsh could the punishment for going into a room be?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Vaps still shouldn't have gone in there, pressured or not," Shaun said, looking over at Flare, "Though I do appreciate your honesty."

"So, what's my punishment going to be?" Vaps asked, she'd never done anything wrong before, and after seeing what was in the room she was a little worried.

Shaun thought for a second, "Alright, I got it, your punishment's going to be spending the night with Flare," he smiled a bit, "I'm sure she's still a bit uncomfortable here so I want you to keep her company."

Vaps blinked a few times, she had been expecting something far worse, "O-of course master." she smiled.

"And Flare, you mind if I take your, 'necklace'?" he laughed a bit, "You're not really wearing it right."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare was relieved and puzzled. At least Vaps was not getting a horrible punishment, that was good. But she was a little confused about the necklace. If you did not wear it around your neck then where DID you where it? It hardly mattered though since Flare was quick to return the item to Shaun. "Sooooooo.....what now?" She asked. her tummy full and her curiosity still in full swing despite the fact that she was getting more and more tired by the minute.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Here, it goes like this," Shaun smiled as he walked behind her, fitting the ball into her open mouth and then hooking it behind her head, "This way you wouldn't be able to talk, or bite, or breath fire." he smiled.

Oh, so that's what it's for. Vaps thought as she watched, smiling a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare's eyes widened as it was put into her mouth and after the initial shock, started o softly paw at it, saying that she did not want it on her any more. She wondered what to do after this. Would she explore? OR just go to sleep? she was really getting tired and decided that unless they recommended something she would just get some rest. Still, first she wanted that "necklace" out of her mouth, her paw hands gently pawing at it so that Shaun would know she wanted it out.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What's wrong? Don't like it anymore?" Shaun asked, starting to undo the buckle, "Shame, it looks cute on ya." he laughed as he removed it, "Well, if there's anything you two would like to do just say it."

"Ooh, you wanna go swimming?" Vaps asked, smiling a bit at Flare, "I know you're a fire type but it's still fun."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare thought for a moment and then said "I guess as long as its shallow water..." She blushed cutely and added "I sink like a rock." She then got up and waited for Vaps to lead on, still blushing a little from all that had just happened.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Don't worry," Vaps wrapped her arms around Flare's body in an embrace, "I wouldn't let you drown, I'd rescue you before that happened." she smiled, walking with her to Vaps room. She opened the door and almost immediately jumped into her small pool, sticking her head out and smiling at Flare, "It's alot more shallow over there," she said, pointing to a small ledge near the edge of the pool that was covered with only a couple feet of water.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare eased herself into the shallow end and began to paddled about a little, smiling happily as she enjoyed herself. "This is kind of fun." She admitted as she doggy paddled around the shallow end.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Vaps stuck her head up from the water, slowly gliding through it, barely leaving a splash in her wake, "I know, nothing beats a good dip." she smiled, "So tell me Flare, what do you usually do for fun? I assume it wasn't swimming." she laughed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad