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Damn...that shit is flowin!
You need snuggles....and also someone to slip a blue pill in your drink when you're not lookin'.
groan... one pill has no effect on me...
and I'm out of them!
Wow, maybe going off and doing something for a bit might help.

One time my eyes got blood shot from taking cold medicine for a while. It looked like I was on marijuana or something. The mucus was coming out of my tear ducts and thus caused irritation.

I looked in a mirror- and saw a horrible monster with blood-red eyes- and shadows underneath each one! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!
I see that monster every morning when i look in the mirror, regardless of how much i sleep. I did some skim readin for ya, and stats show that these are the best alternatives when you don't wanna pop 15 pills a night,

-No god damn naps during the day.
-Avoid caffeine 4 hours before 'bedtime'.
-Get as much exercise as you can during the day, at least 15 minutes. Or try an exercise before bed, almost anything (walking, yoga, etc).
-Concentrate on your internal clock: if you go to bed a week straight at 4:00AM, then go to bed another week at 9:00P.M, then you'll completely screw it up! schedule a bedtime and wake-up time, and try your best to stick with it. Then eventually, your body will tell you when you want to sleep and will even begin to wake you up by the time of your alarm.
-No large meals before bed.
-Warm drinks actually help.
-Depression and stress can be the main causes, so try and dull them before bedtime if you can't get rid of them.

If they don't help, talk to a doctor. Hope I was some aid to ya Gunter. Wink
are you kidding me? of course this is helpful, thanks!

now let's see what problems I have:

-I don't nap morning, afternoon, evening- day OR night. in-som-nia...
-no caffein either.
-please... I'm tired enough as it is.... I still have to do household work...
-I think my internal clock's stopped. I'm awake 24/7! in-som-nia....
-I don't eat that much at all.
-warm drinks have no effect- they make me want to pee.
-depression and stress? AHA!! these must be the source of all my problems! I've been very depressed since my my grandfather's vase broke- and several of his plants died- and I'm stressed because charlie has run away!

ooohhh... maybe I should just lie down and stare blankly at the ceiling... hopefully I'll doze off...
Your dog ran away?
Yeah he said it in his huge rant
Quote:...hopefully I'll doze off...
Damn, i'm out of advice! if i was a doctor, i'd be very glad you came to see me.

Very sorry to hear about your dog: but i'm sure he'll come back.
Awesome news! Good luck finding him.