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Which Digimon would you NOT sleep with?
what do you mean tyrannmon's small? wait- who's tyrannmon? oh- Tyrannomon! he's not small- NO...

master tyrannomon's hotter- but patamon and gabumon are still irresistably cute. those metal stuff on angemon are like... part of his costume design- style. they thought his chest was too bare the first time they created him, so they added tose button things.
They look like bullet wounds...
:? with what was he shot!? :shock:
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
What ever it is, it is odd, I thought he got shot in the show and in Digimon World 1 the game, he had only two covering his nipples, so I assumed... well, any way, I was saying Tyrannamon would be too big and no human would be big enough, he could literally eat you, and not in the loving sense either!
Another one I thought of that I wouldn't sleep with (and I'm sure I'll offend some people) renamon. Not because she's not hot (far from it) but from the attitude in the show I'd expect her to try and be the dominant one in a relationship and I wouldn't like that.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
EpsilonZX Wrote:What ever it is, it is odd, I thought he got shot in the show and in Digimon World 1 the game, he had only two covering his nipples, so I assumed...

At least those things desappear when he digivolves to MagnaAngemon :P
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Actually shadowknight, that's a good answer.
Metal nipples.. maybe he got them pierced in his wilder angel years, fast wings, hot Angewomen, and loud chirch chimes! they rocked like it was 0000 B.C!
shadowknight Wrote:Another one I thought of that I wouldn't sleep with (and I'm sure I'll offend some people) renamon. Not because she's not hot (far from it) but from the attitude in the show I'd expect her to try and be the dominant one in a relationship and I wouldn't like that.

From the attitude in the show I'd say she's frigid.
EpsilonZX Wrote:Metal nipples.. maybe he got them pierced in his wilder angel years, fast wings, hot Angewomen, and loud chirch chimes! they rocked like it was 0000 B.C!

hehe, wilder angel years, Angemon with a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle with an Angewomon holding on his waist as they own the streets Twisted
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions