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A Week Of Sex Slaves
UnknownH Wrote:But *izzy mode* I think palmon would have the same areas any female digimon would have just her head could be like the various female zones on a normal human. Meaning, if you rub her head petals then it might help her.

Hmm *izzy mode* possibly her erogenous zones are centered around her petals and thistle, something of equivalence to the infamous G-Spot, or possibly her head would have the same sensitive nerve endings of female human's breast but the main event would still be between her loins (sips tea) I do say, quite astounding this "anatomically correct" Palmon is

Her mouth intrigues me mostly though, wide brimmed and filled with abnormally sharp teeth (Epsilon's mouth) her eyes are quite prodigious, that is always cute, hmm, maybe we shall unearth something decent about Patamon... no sorry, I was swept up in the moment ^ ^
*izzy mode* Exactly. You have it correct. Although the mouth does one problem, She has to be taught how to do anything like "that" just incase something may go wrong. But like a normal girl, she can be good at it once she learns. Now a beak, that was hard to study. Ask my lab assisstant.

*out of izzy mode* heh heh This is kind of fun acting like you're smart in this.
[Blitz mode] As I am not nearly as talented at specifying the anatomy of Digimon as Iz, I will have to disect and cross-examine a Palmon before I can present you with results. [/Blitz mode]

Too bad, you have to have a medical liceense before you can do that.
And the digimon are only volenteers so they have some say in what happens.
[Blitz mode] Oh- but I do have one. And one for veterinary also. And one for botanical- yeah- I do plants as well. And as for volunteers- I have my ways. [/Blitz mode]


[Blitz mode] Or, to save on cleaning materials and perfectly good digimon- I can examine their original programming. [/Blitz mode]

Too bad you have to take a test from izzy, ken, and gennai. and it's a hard test so some people won't pass. They only need people that want to research what else happens is all up to you and the subject.
But I think you can get some code to study.
[Epsilon mode] actually, it is fairly simple to teach people what to do, sex is such a basic instinct that it is second nature once the mood begins, kind of have to laugh at those who do it wrong, I mean even book knowledge gives the vitals of what goes where and with so many kinky bastards an ear may be the choicest place ><

[Epizzy mode] as for Palmon, she's a fast learner, I am sure with a some practice we can put that mouth of her's to good use, however, I am more interested in finding out how good she tastes first, I am almost positive she will not object

1. who can truely pass up an oppertunity to be eaten
2. I write the stories, point blank!

[Epsilon] Haha, it's dark in here

[Izzy] true
Ok that would be easy to figure out. You just have to be scientific about it.
If you past the test then you can be a certified digimon specalist.
But you'd have to present your findings to you boss.
Which means documents and possibly video if needed.
[Blitz mode] I don't need to. I just need a sample of Palmon DNA, then I can extract the original model programming. [/Blitz mode]

[Gunter mode] Show-off smartass. [/Gunter mode]

[Blitz mode] Thank you. I appreciate the compliment, coming from somone like you. [/Blitz mode]

[Gunter mode] .... Huh? [/Gunter mode]

[Blitz mode] It means I love you like a brother.[/Blitz mode]

[Gunter mode] Awww.... okay! [/Gunter mode]
DNA, or DDNA as I once heard it called, wouldn't be very useful since it's most likely techno organic and thus the computer wouldn't be able to register what it was seeing. It wouldn't be sure wheither it was a robotic object or a biological creature, it would see both at once which would most likely confuse any normal computer.
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