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Hey I'm Not Dead. (Who Knew?)
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, doggy......!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
....I'm so sorry for Sid. There HAS to be afterlife. He may be playing with Liu just right now......Sigh.............
.........well, back to the main point......(this is starting to look like Wise's That's what the mane man says' (oops, was that the name? Twisted )) how about you spend more of your spare time outside your house? I had quite that same trouble when my grandma was still alive. She talked to my mother all the time, so I tried to be out as much as I can.
Sorry I've been M.I.A. for awhile but my computer's being a bitch. When my cousin moved in with us my aunt gave her permission to use it. She downloaded what she thought were ring tones (don't even get me started on how much I hate ring tones) and anyway now I'm dealing with the "Attack of the Viruses" and I'm having trouble finding the source so I can fix it.

On to other issues:
I stated some time ago that my aunt was in the hospital about a year and a half ago but that's come back to bite us in the ass. Instead of paying her hospital bills in an orderly fashion like a rational person she decided to ignore them until they started to garnish her wages... Isn't that one of the stupidest things you've ever heard? Well when she found out she acted like it was some big surprise and then of course blamed it on all of us who are unemployed/currently looking for work. As if it's my fault that she sucks with money.

Seriously the woman doesn't know how to say no to someone who wants something. Especially to my grandmother and 6yr old cousin. Every week or so my grandmother sends her out for Long John Silvers or to the store to get bacon for the kid. Apparently he'll die without having bacon for breakfast. :roll:

Last week my grandmother decided she had to have a perm and that was another $70 down the drain. So now were out of some of the essentials like bread, eggs, milk etc. and guess whose fault it is? I hate being a scapegoat. I hate this town even more. Before we moved here I had to turn down a job at a Waldenbooks store that payed $6.50/hr. Not great pay but at least I'd have had a little money in my pocket and a nice employee discount to fund my hobby. Now I can't find a job at all and I'm so pissed off that I sometimes end up making myself physically sick from holding back what I'd actually like to say. Instead I put on my headphones crank up the volume and shut out the world, at least for an hour or so.

Life blows.
If you are going to get a job, you'll want to try right now, because nobody hires January-March. I still say fast food is your best bet for now. You can find something better later, but this sounds like one of those cases where you really need a job and now. You can also try telemarketing, but that requires a positive attitude.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
CS You just have to move out one day. And I'm not going to say anything about jobs.
Well my mother, brother and I have been officially handed our eviction notices. And not by my grandmother who actually owns the house but by my aunt. Why you ask? Well basically we don
I am so sorry about your dog-

and I hope you find a job that suits you, good luck, mr. Cyber.
Well... atleast you're out of that house.
yeah, at least you're out of that hell-hole.
jobs are always so damn hard to find when you actually need one: especially a half-decent one.
Best of wishes for what's coming up for you.
Thanks for the support you guys.

Yet another snag has arisen: I have jury duty in March. Sure you get paid for your time but that's really gonna fuck up the job search. Then on the off chance that I get a job between now and then I'm guessing the new boss won't be too thrilled with me even though its not my fault.