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Furry College LIfe (Astaroth/Fred)
Pulling on a pair of shoes, lacing them up I reply. "Sure, it would help to know this place seeing as we'll be practically living here for the time being." grabbing my wallet and other stuff, before opening the door and gesturing. "After you."
Many times lost, many times found again.
I smile at him as he gets his stuff, "Yeh, thats true." I say smiling and walk towards the door as her opens it. "Thank you," I say and lick his nose before walking into the hallway and wait for Fred.
Creative Minds
I smile before following Crystal, "So madam, where would you like to go? The Library? Tour the classrooms? Stroll around and get a bite to eat?" I ask, naming off activities at random.
Many times lost, many times found again.
I smile at Fred as he comes out of the dorm room, "Well, where's the nicest place to go in this place?" I ask and started to walk down the hallway with him.

Standing there, in front of as a man, with black combed back hair, pail skin and is wearing a white suit, medals at the top left of his coat with polished black shoes was the king. "Crystal!" he shouted happily, "Is that you?"

Crystal looked at the king. "DADDY!!!" she said and ran to her dad and hugged him happily while giggling.
Creative Minds
I look up sharply, totally scared for a moment, before wising up somewhat So this is Crystal's father...he looks...awesome, and quite a bit terrifying!

I walk over, checking myself over. "Erm...Hi," I tug nervously at my shirt, "you have a most beautiful daughter." In hindsight i knew i might have said the wrong thing, or at least sounded like a bumbling fool. "How are you, I'm Fred Delacruz." I say, holding my hand out.
Many times lost, many times found again.
Crystal stops hugging her dad and looks at Fred and smiles at him.

The King looked at Fred the minute he spoke and shock his hand, "Well its nice to meet you Fred Delacruz, I am the king." He smiles and then looks at his daughter after thinking what Fred had said, "Crystal are you dating this boy?"

Crystal looks at his dad and answers, "Yes dad, I am she smiles and I love him very much."

The King smiles at Crystal and Fred, "Well this is the greatest news I've heard in a while!" He looks at Fred and shakes his hand, "Welcome to the family! Tomorrow you and my daughter are missing college and coming to the palace for a meal with the entire family!"
Creative Minds
Stunned I reply, "F-Family...I mean it would be an honor sir, i mean your highness." What have i gotten myself into...'College will be an adventure' they said, 'you will meet many people' they said, they didn't say anything about meeting kings and princesses!

"um...should I wear a suit or something...Sir?" I ask. "I mean, er." I stop, trying to collect myself.
Many times lost, many times found again.
"Well, well." He looks at Crystal, "Well, anything smart, not to over dressed tho." He says and smiles as Fred and Crystal. "Know, I have to go, I'll see you to later." The king says and runs off around the corner quickly.

Crystal looks at Fred, "Sorry I didn't tell you about me being a princess, I was gonna tell you tonight. But my dad kinda got here a day early." She says nervously.
Creative Minds
I cough a little to the side, "Right...well, not a finer time to meet one's father than half a day after meeting the daughter." I pull at my collar for a moment, " does that work out?"
Many times lost, many times found again.
I look at the Fred and started to become nervous, "Well, its ok really. Fun at times. But I don't want this relationship to be any different than a normal relationship. This is my first time I'm dating someone who isn't from a royal family and I don't want to spoil it." I say and starts to cry a bit.
Creative Minds