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Digimon Expansion RPG
Aviana let out a coo as Ranamon groped her ass, shivering in pleasure. Suddenly feeling Veemon's cock filling her mouth, she removed her beak from his meat, her eyes widening at the sight of his bloated cock.

"Wow...screw foreplay, I want that big balloon in my pussy!" she said, pushing Veemon onto his back and jumping onto his swollen belly, squealing as she impaled herself on his swollen cock.

"Ohhh're so big," she murred, bouncing up and down on his air-filled meat. "Bet you changed your...cooo...opinion on inflation," she purred, running her feathered hands over his swollen chest, teasing his bloated nipples.
"Uh...Aqua, I think you need to take another macro blocker. Another growth like this and you'll be bigger than the Digital World itself," said Darky, a little nervous in the face of such a giant womon. He really wished she would stay close to his size so it wouldn't be so awkward. After all, how could he and she make love if she kept changing size?

" are such a naughty birdy," teased Ranamon, reaching up and wrapping her arms around the little bird's body, teasing her nipples. "Hey, would you two like to meet mah mate and his lovah? Ah'm sure they'd like to meet some other giants," she purred.
OOC: I think Rose's should do things too, since all the others are having 'fun' in her hands. Wanna discuss some things for her through PM sonrouge? I'd be glad to suggest.


Veemon again held his silent vote, he couldn't talk, but even though he still didn't like his body to be liked that, he had to confess he didn't mind the sudden effect his cock had taken, even though it was filled with air, it felt as if his meat had grown for real.

Aqua groaned in her own bliss from his idea of being just too big, then to shut Darky up, she suddenly neared him to her maw, and then stuck out her tongue and ran it with skill down on his body, the tip managing to massage both the panther's big cock along with his testicles.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky groaned as her tongue ran over his body, arching his back when she tongue-massaged his cock. Though he was little annoyed at how she kept ending up bigger than him, he couldn't deny how pleasurable having a huge tongue going over his cock.
The giant AquaVeemon picked the panther up with her tongue, forcing him to embrace her muscle, as he teased him by taking it back inside her maw for few seconds, then making a slurp movement out and upwards repeatedly. Aqua's claw drifted to her crotch, she wasn't satisfied yet, and she seemed to only want more, which she proved as she started fingering at her clit while murring silently, her tail swishing so madly the trees were knocked out of the forest wildly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Normally, Rose could understand if a girl was protective of her mate. However, for some reason, Ranamon's comment angered her.

"Hey shrimp, don't forget who's bigger here. If fact, why don't I remind you," she snarled, suddenly extending one of her vines and wrapping it around Ranamon's body, getting a yelp from the water nymph. "Aviana, inflate that little slut, now!" she growled, glaring at the three occupants in her hand.

Aviana was a little scared of how her friend was acting. She wondered if it had anything to do with her new size. Still, Rose's voice and the look on her face made her obey. She got off of Veemon's bloated cock and went over to the tank, grabbing the hose.

"Sorry," she said, putting the hose in Ranamon's pussy, opening the valve.
Darky murred as he was wrapped up in Aqua's tongue, loving the warmth of the giant muscle.

"You're a kinky girl, Aqua! I love you!" he groaned out, grinding his cock against her tongue, trying to bring himself to orgasm.

(OOC: Don't suppose she could shrink anytime soon? I'd like to go back to some normal loving for a bit.)

Ranamon moaned as she puffed up, reaching Veemon's size and shape in a few seconds, then growing bigger and bigger.

"Ohhh...Mah mate'll make for this...ohh," she groaned out before her bloated body pushed her mouth shut.
OOC: Never. :P


"Grow morrrrrrre..." Aqua seductively murred to Darky, she wanted to be in his powerful arms again, being treated like a doll with his meaty cock again. The dragoness held him in her claw, licking and making slurping sounds, just so Darky's horny mind would get aroused through the roof and trigger a full overgrowth on him again, hoping he'd be the bigger one again so they could make love again.

OOC: You two can continue alone, you've got about 10 posts for now to do anything you want with Rose, Aviana and Rana. Don't worry about me, I'm going to bed for now. See ya guys.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Julie started to feel very good when this feeling came over her. As she felt the wetness and started to get horny, she moaned very loudly and sat down, murring.
OOC: Ignore what I said last. sonrouge already gave a nice idea.


As Julie sat down, another quake followed, the whole place vibrating this time. Renodramon, just a small dot to her, tried to run up on her leg to reach her knee, hoping she'd see him if he was on her knee.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad