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Digimon Expansion RPG
Ranamon looked around when the ground shook, mildly curious. However, she assumed it was her mate and Aqua, so she turned her attention back to Veemon, starting to kiss his face.

"It's probably jest mah mate and that Aquaveemon. They both took a macro formula, so they're getting bigger and bigger as long as they're mating," she purred, lapping at Veemon's face.

Seeing the pleading look on Aqua's face, and remembering what she had said about big cocks, Darky felt his resolve dissolving. He decided she really wanted, and as her lover, he couldn't refuse her.

"I'm sorry," he said, and began humping her again, his cock starting to grow again. The bulge in her belly grew, making her look slightly pregnant.
Julie tries her best to be as careful as she could. She kept on growing and looked down at Reno, just seeing him as a dot now.
Reno looked as Julie's head disappeared into the clouds. When she was that big, one could guess that if she laid down, she'd cover the whole forest with her body.

Veemon murred a bit at the lapping, already forgetting about the continous quakes.

Aqua obviously had a plan, she just had to hold her orgasm till he cummed with his growing cock, "Oohhhhhh mnnnnh!! Ohhh Darky!" Aqua moaned loudly, at this point, he would be able to cover half her body with his paw.

OOC: We should wait for sonrouge.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Rose cocked her head at the sound, as well as at Ranamon's comment.

"'ve got a mate who's a macro?" she said, getting a little wet in between the legs at the thought of a huge cock in her cunny.

Meanwhile, Aviana had coached out Veemon's blue cock, lapping at it to bring it to full staff. Suddenly getting a funny idea, she looked up at Veemon's face, giggling as Ranamon lapped at him like a dog.

"How 'bout I give you a literal blow job, big boy," she purred, wrapping her beak around his cock and beginning to blow into his piss hole. Veemon's already swollen body began to get even bigger, starting to swallow his limbs.
Ranamon gave the Palmon a cold look, shaking her head slowly.

"Don't get any ideas, plant girl. He's already taken," she said in a voice laced with steel, then she turned back to Veemon, smiling at his murring.

"See...doesn't this feel good," she purred, lapping at his face a few more times before licking a trail down to his nipples, which had swollen a little with air, making them the size of corks. She gave his left one a teasing lick before taking it in her mouth and nibbling on it.

Sensing how bad Aqua wanted him to cum, Darky worked fast this time, and soon his cock was vibrating. Hoping Aqua knew what she was doing, he let go, her tummy bloating with his seed.
Julie saw an airplane pass by her face and she waves at it, Dang...whoever was manning the plane must be thinking about this she thought as she looked around more.
OOC: There are planes in Digital World?


Reno was relieved for a second, "Huh? She stopped!" he said, being still on Julie's foot, which was as big as a gigantic mansion for the little Renodramon, "How are you miss?!" he shouted, hoping the giant reptilian female would hear.

But soon, the expected happened, as Julie's now overgrown body started to change hormone production in some ways due to her new size. Suddenly a very hot sensation would start burning in the girl's bare crotch.

Veemon moaned at all the treatments. But something happened, as impressively his belly quickly stopped to expand, and suddenly the air going inside his cock started to make it grow and expand further from erection, starting to become a huge sausage.

Aqua felt the vast ocean of cum the giant was sending inside her body was starting to make her grow again! And she let out a scream, "AHHHHH!! OHHH YES!" she yelped as her orgasm released tons of juices, but they were sent back! The orgasm from the panther was so strong, his cum plus her juices flooded her entire body and her growth continued and continued-

Aqua let out a long sigh of bliss, she had finally come to her senses, "Darky that was-" she was about to compliment him, but she didn't find anyone in front of her, neither the trees. "Huh?" she tried searching, and eventually looked down, being amazed, "WOAH!" she put a finger to her pussy, then took the giant panther out from her on her finger, "Uh oh-" she looked down, noticing the trees now were tiny dots for her, her plump butt was sitting on the other half which the others weren't in.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Julie started to grunt from this pain. "what is happening?" She wondered as she looked down.
OOC: Exactly how big is my character compared to Aqua, because if she's as big as I think she is, she might need to shrink a bit before she can even begin to hear my character.


Ranamon's eyes widened at the sight of Veemon's cock expansion. She let out a whistle of admiration.

"Well, lookie there sugah. Bet you like that," she purred, leaning down and kissing the bloated cock before running her tongue over it. Meanwhile, her right hand ran down Aviana's back, stroking down through her tail feathers and squeezing her right ass cheek.
OOC: Well, he was leaning to her crotch, so he must be the size of one of her thighs, just slighty bigger than her claws. I think she'll be able to hear him just fine.


Suddenly, a wet feeling would start going around the gargantuan sized pussy, even though she probably had not noticed it, her excessive growth had caused a massive production of hormones inside her body, which was starting to rise her horniness quickly.

Veemon felt a stretching he had never felt before, the cock was really big now, even his balls had grown, they were easily the size of a tennis' balls each to accompany the great amount of meat out of his pouch. He didn't say a word, since his belly was pushing up against his muzzle still, not letting his maw move easily, so only a muffled moan came out.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad