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Xeno panic!
Alex looked into his room, to find his other half was sleeping on the bed, though aware enough to jump into action. He then moved towards the various buttons, and decided that he would simply press the Pen Evac button, and hope for the best.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hey," One doctor said as he saw Alex heading for the central button. "What are you doing?!" He yelled just as the button was pressed. Suddenly sirens went off and doors began to lock and shut. Suddenly the doors to the pens opened wide, essentially releasing all the Xeno's and girls, Alex's included. In the first cell the girls looked around, startled and such, but they did not move, and neither did them man in the center.

Mike dropped his girls almost instantly and rushed out, attacking everyone and everything in sight. His girls, exhausted and restrained, could not leave. The female Xeno transformed into an alien looking big cat and leapt out the doors, her mates also restrained and unable to leave. Alex's girls looked at the wide open door but only one of them made a move for it.

Marry ran for her life, running for the door, which caused Amy to run after her playfully. There was no escape to be had for the none Xeno's, who could not slip away into vents and would be captured or killed by the staff.

Alex had no time to worry about them though, since the room was locking down fast and it was only a matter of time before someone discovered him. He needed to get Silvia's medicine and get back into the room quickly!
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex shot like a bullet, afraid not for himself, but for his loved ones. He ran as fast as his legs could take him, and if need be, he would turn into a liquid like substance, and slip through vents and cracks to find the antidote and save his girls. He had to move faster than he had ever moved before, it would seem...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Moving faster was a great idea, for the complex soon descended into chaos. Mike and the other Xeno had also escaped and where fighting and fucking their way through the corridor. Mike had split into five primal fuck machines and was busy either tearing apart robots and security staff, or raping every female he could find. The other Xeno did much the same thing, though instead of splitting, she began to spreading like a mass of organic ooze, covering hallways and grabbing anything and everything insight with thousands of tentacles.

Alex, luckily, was headed to the labs, where almost no one was manning. Everyone was either running away in complete terror, or rushing in to stop the rouge Xenos. Inside the labs Alex would find hundreds of tanks and computers, and vials full of millions of concoctions...but which one was the one he needed. There were still three people in the lab, A Scientist, a Business woman, and another Janitor.

They were all trying to escape, though for some reason the door they where trying to get through was jammed and opening very slowly. One of them must know where the antidote is, and Alex could make them talk.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at the three, and instantly turned into his true Xeno form, growing a tail and a pair of red eyes. Looking something like a half man, half dragon monster. He turned his hands into giant blades, and roared at them. "Tell me where the antidote for the clone comatose is! NOW!" He focused on the Scientist, and walked up to her. "Talk. Now..." He stopped though, and tried to be a bit more reasonable, and turned his hands back to normal. "Tell me...and I will open that door for you."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The other two ran away, scattering into the lab, but the scientist was not so lucky, and soon found herself pressed against the wall, shaking with fear. "I-I-I cant t-t-tell you..." She whispered, obviously wanting to but unable to due to the implant. "P-P-Ple-Please d-d-dont k-k-ki-ki-." She was shaking and her eyes where wide, but her fear was not yet large enough to overcome the implant.

Again Alex had to choose, would he get the information through fear, pleasure, or absorption. This scientist was a cloning scientist, possibly one of the ones that cloned Silvia, maybe even one that helped Kill her! Alex was running out of time, and scientist were not easily frightened beyond the point of control, like Kat had demonstrated, but if Alex wanted to exact some personal revenge then he could.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex glared at the scientist, but held back his fury. Anger and hate would only cloud his judgment. He suddenly turned into his human form, and shot out the quick hardening goop out of his hand, attempting to pin the girl to the wall. If it worked, he would crouch down and begin to finger the woman with one digit, knowing what he had to do. "You will tell me..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The goop hit and soon the woman was pinned to the wall. She screamed and began to struggle, but it was no use, she could not break the bonds, and no one was coming to help her. she trembled as she felt him began to finger her through her pants, and though he didnt get far with it, it still made her blush, and she knew what he was trying to do. "N-No! Stop!" She cried out, knowing that she could get fired for revealing the information to the Xeno. Not only that, but fired meant being turned into a test subject, she didnt went to end up like Kat and Agatha.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You should stop talking now," Alex said, before pulling his finger out and licking her cunt, now using his mouth to please her. He also placed his hands on her butt, massaging and groping the beautiful booty, as his tongue dug into her pussy, stretching a bit, but stopping if he found she was still a virgin. His hands also began using pleasurable oil, rubbing it all over her big, cute butt from the poes on his hands, and then moving up to smear the substance on her rack, getting rid of her clothes in the process.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Soon the scientist was stripped completely naked and moaning loudly, her body shining slightly from the oil that covered her ass and breasts, where it now slowly dripped and slid to her stomach and such. Her glasses fell off and she cried out, shaking her butt and trying to get free as she felt her climax getting closer and closer.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)