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Digimon Expansion RPG
Veemon's large cock was beggining to come out eagerly and erect from the vine. The dragon kept complaining, "It's my taste... I don't like having a blimp body, but it's arousing on others... why is it so hard to understand?" he yelped once while still inflating her more, the only thing that was stopping him from trying to deflate was the fact that he was growing Aviana.

AquaVeemon's large form squirmed a lot now, the thrusts made her many moan many times, her amazing pussy now dripping outstanding large droplets of precum on the ground, "Mmnnh! ohhh my god! Hardeerrrr!" she started murring as she pleaded.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Aw...cooo...quit your whining, Vee. You...oohhh...just haven't...cooo...had a chance to try....ahhh...all of it," purred Aviana, her inflation swallowing up her arms and legs. She decided right then and there that she was going to make Veemon like inflation. One way or another, he's going to come to enjoy it she thought.

Rose moved a second vine into her cunny, this one rubbing her clit. Her moans grew in pitch and volume, her minty cum drooling out of her cunny.
Julie looked at Reno, nodding. "I didn't. I'm serious. I've never even touched it."
Reno fell down on his butt as Julie's body continued to grow so big, the ceiling of the macro room was crushed when she busted out, "Damn!" he cursed to himself, not knowing what could be the cause. The dog then noticed how big her chest was now, again as the growth had gone so madly up, Hate to admit it, but she looks menacingly hot... he admitted in his thoughts as she continued to grow in size.

Veemon didn't stop blowing though, and Aviana soon was about two times his own bloated size and growing.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hearing the loud moans, Ranamon cocked her head in the direction they were coming from.

"Hmm...strange. Are there other giants out here?" she wondered aloud, getting up and walking in the direction the sound came from, still rubbing her muff. Behind her, Darky pounded into the giant Aqua even harder, his body growing as his orgasm grew closer, his cock soon completely filling Aqua's hot entrance.
Julie looked at herself growing. She looked at Reno, seeing him getting smaller. This is just getting too weird now, she thought.
Reno now was scared, just one of Julie's feet took the whole room, he had to hop on it, "Then you didn't drink more than one! Right?!" he desperately asked as she started to reach the skies while Julie powerfully ascended.

Now it wasn't embarrassing, it was arousing! Darky had gotten so much bigger, the cock was starting to push her vagina and stretch it more, which awfully pleasured her and drived her wild for more, "Ohhh god don't stop!! YES YES!! Continue Darky!" she pleaded.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky growled as Aqua's cunny tightened around his cock, driving him wild as he pumped into her. Aqua was quickly catching up with him, but he still maintained the lead in growth, both keeping him from hurting her with his size and keeping the pleasure high for Aqua.

" love...soo goood," he murred, grasping her ass and using it as leverage to pound her even harder. He squeezed her buns, his left index finger plunging into her tailhole and pushing in and out.

Ranamon was still following the moans, the sounds getting louder and louder. Seeing what looked like a giant green mass in a small clearing, Ranamon quickly raced up to it. Upon reaching it, she followed the green mass upwards, a gasp escaping her when she saw it was a giant Palmon. Said Palmon was moaning her head off, her leafy hand deep in her cunny.

Feeling herself getting wetter between the legs, Ranamon sat down to enjoy the show, beginning to hump her own hand, moaning louder and louder as her orgasm approached. She wondered if the Palmon would play with her.
Julie was amazed by this growth. "I just drank one that was it. Man, this stuff goes on." She lookd down, trying not to damage the facility.
"Oh...oh can stop...I'm big enough," panted Biyomon, her arms and legs having been swallowed up by her bloated flesh. No doubt Rose was feeling her size, as she could feels her vagina walls undulating around her. No doubt she would cum soon.

Outside, Rose was panting and squealing, her vines in her cunny, rubbing her walls as well as the two balloon in there. She made a mental note to reward whoever had kept growing, as that person's expansion had been bliss.