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Digimon Expansion RPG
The tits were bigger than his head, but Shadow did his best, lapping at her right nipple and giving it little love bites. His paws came up, claws unsheated, and began to kneed the nub.

OOC: Don't forget about "Friends of the Panthermon"
Reno looked around, nervous, I need to find a bigger bottle, this won't do anything to her... he looked around to see if he'd find anything, but he widened his eyes as he didn't find a certain bottle ont he shelf, "What?! You didn't drink the blue bottle, did you?!" he asked nervous. The blue potion mixed with macro drinks gave the user continous non-stoppable growth, if she had drunk it, he'd be in trouble as Julie would bust out of the bar.

Veemon complained in a squeaky voice, "Thish isn't fun! I don't like it!" he said as his body rolled deeper, heading to Rose's womb.

Aqua blushed at the amazing treatment, she was loving it, but she was also starting to grow bigger again, she moaned as the trees started to be pushed against her growing body.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Aw, but I think you look cute. Besides, you wanted her to use you as a dildo...well, you got your wish," squealed Aviana, following Veemon as he rolled farther up into Rose's cunny, almost to her womb. Turning her feathery tush to him and rubbing it against his face, she purred.

"Why don't you blow me up, sweetie. I promise to make it worth it if you blow me up big and round," she cooed, moaning as she rubbed her wet slit over his muzzle.
Julie looked at him. "What blue potion? I didn't see one there." She looked at it. "I don't think I did."
"Hey, no're still growing. How do you expect me to fuck you if you stay bigger than me," whined Darky, getting frustrated at Aqua's rapid growth while his continued to be gradual.
"Are you sure?" Reno asked nervous, as the reptilian girl's body started cracking the ceiling from its size.

Veemon thought about it, he imagined himself being held in the Palmon's vines, stuffed continously in and out as a 'rock' to prod her clitoris, not as a balloon inside her womb, which he had reached already. Rose would slowly start looking pregnant as his body grew bigger. He accepted Aviana's idea, he hadn't choice anyway, so as soon as his face was in front of the bird's puss, he started blowing with all his might.

Aqua shivered as her giant body crushed the trees apart. She spooted her smaller mate down and grabbed him again, blinking, "I'm so sorry Darky... uhm... I'll try something!" she said, then closing her eyes, she put her big maw on his crotch, the phallus going deep between her lips, which she enclosed the male's organ with, Hope this works she thought, then closed her eyes and started blowing, the air going into Darky... through his peehole.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky let out a loud groan as Aqua litterally blew him. To his surprise, his body actually started to grow, not rounder as he expected, but bigger overall. His body grew taller, his muscles bulkier. Soon he was just as big as his mate.

"Wow...wasn't expecting that to happen...but I'm not complaining," he purred, pulling Aqua into a passionate kiss. One of his hands moved down to her butt, squeezing her left cheek and stroking her tail.
Aqua only responded to the kiss, before deliberately pressing her humongous chest on his', only wanting to arouse him more and more.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Breaking the kiss, Darky moved his cock down to Aqua's massive cunt, slowly entering her.

"Now that we're the same size, I think it's time for the main course," he growled, starting to thrust into her, the earth around them shaking from their movements.

"Whoa...offf...what a ride," yelped Ranamon as she was bounced off the ground over and over, struggling to continue her masturbation. Each time her mate thrust into Aqua, the ground shuddered, sending Ranamon at least two feet into the air.
Aviana cooed as Veemon blew her up, rubbing her feathery behind against his face to encourage him.

"Why...oohhh...don't you like...coooo...being inflated? You...ahhh....seem so inflate others," she said, her body beginning to round out and press against Rose's love tunnel.

Outside, Rose let out a loud moan as she felt her cunny stretch around whoever was now inflating. She pushed a vine into her cunny, rubbing the first bloated body she touched.

"Yesss...grow bigger, my dildoes," she murred, sitting down on her butt, legs spread.