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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Lopmon holds her head down and takes in all of BM's massive aount of cum swallowing hard and breathing carfuly from her nose so not to get lack of breath. Lopmon wants to show BM that she's the best lover for him.


TC start to think they might not get out of this for a while and his only comfert and fur conection with love can only be with Tigress. The way Lopmon acted to him and the way she must have thought of what she saw when TC offered Tigress that ring that maybe Tigress would make a good lover for him while they are in here. "MmmmmmmMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm!" TC makes smoft sounds as he runs his long ears, like extra arms almost, as he runs them over your face in very gentle ways and then rubs over your jacketed chest, pressing aganst your breasts over the Jacket.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
BM pants and wipes the little bit of sweat that formed on his head. "That-That was amazing Lopmon." He finally manages to say as he squats down so he's eye level with Lopmon. "Now I think it's time you get yours, bend over the bed." He tells her with a grin.

Tigress shivers at TC groaping but doesn't try to move away. To return the favor he carefull moves her tail around TC's back and, with a little effort, managed to push it inside his diaper to massage his butt. She then leans in close and rubs her nose against yours, teh closest thing to a kiss she can manage.
Lopmon wipes the cum off her lips then she lies on the bed as ordered with legs wide apart. "Like this sweety?" Lopmon says shacking her fanny and little tall in a teasing way.


TC was happy that Tigress was doing her bet to make him happy to and was started to just relax when he see's Dona coming back in with a large food try in her arms.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
BM smirks and poitions himself behind her. "That's perfect." He says as he firmly rubs her ass, slipping his finger into her tight hole. His erection returns quickly and he rubs the tip against her moist pussy. "Here it comes." He whispers before pushing his throbbing member inside Lopmon's love hole.

"Okay babies it's time for nom-noms!" Dona annouces in a happy tone. She sets the tray down before lifting TC out of the crib and sitting him down in a perfectly sized high chair. After strapping his legs down and putting the tray in place she repeats the process with Tigress, putting her in the one next to him. Once she finishes she gives them both a stern look. "I'm going to take out your gaggies now." She tells them as she sets a bowl of yellowish-green mush on each tray. "But if I hear any grown up talk out of either of you, I'm spanking your little bottoms and sticking you in time-out for an hour. Understand!?"

Tigress whimpers at the warning. Shaking like a frightened child, which she practically is now, she manages to nod at Dona who removes her gag and pats her on the head. She then looks over at TC. "What about you baby bunny?"
"Ooooh BM......Please be gentle with me!" Lopmon says pulling her hips away for a moment then pushes back into the cock wanting it deep inside her.


As the ballgag comes out of TC's mouth he blurts out as fast and as clear as he can. "Dona please we didn't agree to this so called showing you have to get us out of these jackets and let us go find our lovers before we lose them forever. We are Not fucking babies!" TC said thrashing about in his high chair.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Sorry." BM apologizes and pushes the rest of his cock in more gently. Once it's all inside of her he grabs hold of Lopmon's ass cheeks and gives them a tight squeeze. "Tigress used to love this." He whispers to her, his smile fading for a split-second, pulling out and thrusting hard into Lopmon's cunt.


Dona gasps dramatically, thinking this was all part of the act, and glares at TC. "You naughty little baby! How dare you say such naughty words to your Mommy!" As she scolds she unstraps TC from his highchair and pinches his large ear in her clawed fingers, dragging him over to the sink in the kitchen. "You know what happens to babies who say bad words don't you?" She picks up a bar of soap and hold it up to TC's mouth. "They get their little mouthies washed off with soap!"
Lopmon cries out in pleasure as BM does the quick take out and shove in trick. "Oh god that was great....don't stop!"


TC closes his mouth tight like a vice refusing to open no matter what. Not willing to be put back into being a baby again without a fight!
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
BM gives her a huge smile and continues thrusting in and out of her, giving her butt a squeeze each time he pushes it back it. "Glad you're enjoying it."

"Come on! You open up right now baby bunny!" Dona commands as she rubs the soap against your lips, trying to force it in. "You're only making this worse on yourself! Now stop being bad and take your punishment like a big boy, your sister is waiting for her dinner!"

Tigress hears this and grimaces at the 'food' Dona had prepared for them. Not able to watch TC's punishment anymore she focuses on the door, waiting and hoping for BM to return and say this was all a cruel joke.
Lopmon moan and squeels with joy as she says. "Oh BM....I am close!" Lopmon said as she pussy juices start to get more and more wet.


TC's lips were all soapy and his front teeth were feeling it too but he refused to still open he didn't care how hard it would be more he wasn't going to bend for Dona like he did for Susie!
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Oh, Me too!" BM pants as he starts humping her faster and faster. He decides to try her trick and sticks his finger into her butthole, hoping it works for her as well as it did for him.


Dona finally gets fed up and sit TC down in the sink, freeing up her hand so she can pinch his nose shut. "Enough is enough baby bunny, you either open your little mouth right now or your spanking's going to be with my little paddle!"

"Stop it that's enough!" Tigress cries out, without thinking. "Please, let us go Dona! We don't want to do this your boss kidnapped us!"

Dona glares back at Tigress, not beliveing a word of it. "Well baby kitty, after I'm finished with your brother it looks like you need some discipline as well!"