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Chronicles of The Wasteland (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Gato looks shocked at how badly this came apart. She has broken her word as a Brotherhood Soilder she took that very personally. "Sir. What about all the data in this place?"

Alexander looks over to Ben and he nods as Ben nods too. "Men burn this place to the ground!" More soilders come in with flamethrowers and burn all the data and evadiance that Alexis told Gato was true. She can't belive that......all Alexis said was true. My god what was she going to do she thought as she watches the place burn to ash and she just cries as she goes into the plane and flys away.


In th sewers Danny colapes onto the ground and cries his eyes out then he looks over to Alexis, drops his rocket-launcher then rushes to her and hits her hard on the face. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! How could you just leave them there? John could have fought it out and Yuna....oh god Yuna, She's dead, the only woman that ever loved me is dead!" Danny cries again.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Alexander watches as his men lock Yuna and John into a pair of cryo-containers to keep the from waking up until they get to their base. Soon after they're secure he breathes a sigh of relief and sits down next to Ben. "Well done, the both of you." He says glacing at both Ben and his wife with a smile. "Once we get home, you two can consider yourselves on leave. You've earned it."


"GET OFF ME!" Alexis snarles shoving Danny off of her and grabbing his neck. "Listen to me, John and Yuna were both out cold when I got there! There was NOTHING I could do." She then lets Danny down and sighs. "They won't kill them. They still need Yuna alive for their plan but we have to move fast if we want to save them. And we are going to save them Danny, okay?"
Gato looks away from Alexander the whole trip. She thought if she can tell Ben alone all about what happend maybe there's a chance she can convice him whats going on.

"Sir if I may I would like to be a part of Yuna's new training. After we wipe her mind clean I would love to help her in her new life. Maybe get some.....benfits from her too if you get my meaning?" Ben said with a dirty smile. Gato nearly gasped at what Ben just said.


Danny gags and start to laught. "I was wrong about you. Your not a crazy half alien freak. Your a insane fur! They are going to take them to the Citadel. That place will be crawling with Brotherhood soilders, pre-war military robots, and god only know what else. It the most fortifed place in the wasteland. Going there would be total suside."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Alexander rolls his eyes and almost cringes. "Ben, how could you even consider that? Being with that...thing would be just like fucking a Ghoul." He tells him, no bothering to control his language. "No matter what it looks like it's nothing but a sub-fur abomination. Let me make myself clear we're not just wiping it's memory we're reprograming it. it'll be nothing more that a machine once we're done." He looks Ben right in the eye to make himself clear. "The only thing you'll ever to do that thing is put a bullet through it's head when it's used up. Am I clear?"


"I know it's impossible." Alexis tells Danny as he calms down. "that's why we're not going to the Citidel." She sees Danny's confusion and explains. "The Citidel's a long way from here, too far for the Vertibird to make it after flying for so long. However, there's a small Brotherhood base nearby so they'll probably head there to experiment on Yuna. There's still a a bunch of troops there but it's no where near as fortified as the Citidel, I've snuck in and out of there a few times before." She kneels down and smiles at Danny. "We'll sneak in, grab Yuna and John, and be long gone by the time they notice."
Ben gets to attation in his chair. "SIR YES SIR!" Ben said not to happy to hear that he can't have fun with her but he plans to find a way to get to her before Alexander does what he said he would.

Gato feel she has to speak out. "Sir please she is not a freak nor is your daughter she is a very scared little girl that just wants to be left alone. I know she would be willing to help you if you would just treat her with some respect. PLEASE!" Gato said sounding very worried and sad.


Danny gets the back pack on then says. "Lead the way."

As they go down the tunnel he looks at the star on her body and says. "So your the demon of the wasteland? I was told of a yound woman that could kill a Deathclaw with a single bullet shot and wrestle Yaoi Guia's. I take it that's you?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Alexander stares at Gato with his mouth hanging open. He could barely believe what she was saying. After a few seconds of silence he calms down and gives Gato a a gentle look. "Listen Gato, I can understand that spending time with it would make you feel pity. But you need to remember that it isn't real. Don't let your emotions get the better of you." He sees the sorrowful look on Gato's face and groans. "Fine, if you think it'll listen to you go ahead and try when we get to the base but make sure Ben is with you understand? I don't want you taking any chances."


Alexis chuckles. "Demon of the Wasteland? Is that what they call me?" She shrugs and smiles at him. "Yep, I guess that is me. Though to be fair I only wrestled one Yao Guai, it was fun don't get me wrong but wasn't as easy as you'd think."
Gato was pleased to hear Alexander was hering logic. "Oh thank you Sir."

As the ship landed. Gato and everyone came off and she asked one more thing. "Sir...about my daddy. What really happened to him?" Ben turns and stops too. As the bodies of John and Yuna are taken inside.


Danny needed to test to see if it really was her then he takes out his side 6 shooter and then yell. "CATCH THIS!" then shots at single shot at her head.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"What?" Alexander says, looking confused and just a little nervous. "Gato, you know he was killed my Mirelurks while investigating the Anchorage Memorial with his team. What's gotten into you?" He ask suspiciously. Before it could go any further another soldier comes up and whispers to him. "Alright. I need to go and arrange for the experiments. You two should hurry along and...heh-heh talk to the abomination. Good luck." With a wave he turns around and walks toward the main building.


Instantly Alexis swings her arm around and deflects the bullet with her sword. She then turns around and catches it in her hand before it his the ground. With a satisfied smirk she holds it up to Danny and smiles. "Good enough?"
Gato and Ben go inside and they see Yuna with a glowing metal collor on her neck its ment to keep her under control if she gets out of hand or tries to use her powers she get a very painful shock. Yuna was totaly naked as well. The room was padded like a insane persons room.

Gato comes over to Yuna and tired to pet her head. "I am sorry about this sweatheart. I didn't want this to happen I promise you I will do all I can to get you free."


Danny notices where they are in the subways and then says. "Hold on I use to have a place near here I got some things that might help us get into the base.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Yuna turns away and gives Gato her best glare. "Don't touch me! I thought you were different from them!" She says glancing over at Ben. "But you aren't, you're a liar, a murderer and a monster!" She takes a few deep breaths to calm down before she gets a shock. "You already have me so just leave me alone."


Alexis shrugs and follows him. "Alright, we could use all the help we can get but hurry, we don't have much time left."