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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
"Well, its about some kind of suit you have. I dont really understand it, but it counts, since Silvia was using her feral state to fight you." Shiri said as he took Casey by the hand and led him back to Silvia's room. "You can ask her the details, I wasnt there." He said, opening the door. Silvia was sitting on the bed in thin white robe, reading a book she had printed out about humans and how to please them and keep them happy. Shiri quickly explained the situation to her and she ordered him to leave while rubbing her temples.

"What were you thinking?!" She said angrily. She sighed and unclenched her hands. "I dont suppose you remember what you were thinking so this argument would be pointless. For future reference, please do not spar with any of the crew..." she shook her head and stood up. She formally opened the sheets for him and waited. "I assume you know your situation correct? I am your mate, please try not to shame me like this." She said with a bowed head as she waited for him to enter the bed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey looked at the floor as they walked and when the young lad explained how he won Silvia hand. "No I don't; but I do have a good idea what I was doing from what Shiri told me what has basically happened since I got on the ship. I most likely was trying to be the man you wanted since I bet it was a fair fight that we fought in... I'm I right?" he asked

"Also since your a princess I couldn't reject your marriage proposal without causing an intergalatic incident that might lead to war between our two planets, he stated while he walked over to the bed as he kicked off his shoes, the unbuckled his pants letting them slide down. He proceeded to removed his socks, then his shirt, leaving him in his undershirt and boxers. he then slipped into the bed.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Close enough." Silvia said softly before slipping into the bed with him.Her soft yet firm body pressed against his as snuggled into him and either hugged him from behind or allowed him to hug her. She had read that humans enjoy this kind of tender closeness, and that it often led to other things which the Jinkari was sure to like. That was her duty now, Silvia was to keep him happy, she would not fail in her duty....
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey smiled warmly when Silvia got into bed with him. "I thought I would be in the dog house," he said as he wrapped an arm around her as she snuggled close. He stretched out his legs, and brushed up against hers. He felt the scales and claw like feet, he pulled his leg away since her's felt so alien. He moved his foot back over nervously and felt her claws once more. He realized she wasn't going to hurt him with her feet and sighed in relief softly. "So tell me a bit about yourself?" he asked as he rubbed her side. As he looked down at her robe he could see her bosom and even one of her nipples as he began to get aroused just a tad.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silvia was careful not to hurt him with her claws as they lay together and puzzled at the expression dog house. If anything, she would be in the dog house for letting this happen. "About myself?" She asked slowly. "I, I am princess Silvia." She said simply. "I am of mating age, I am fit and healthy, I know several types of Shizo (A martial art from her planet) and all forms of Kazzuzo (Another martial art from her planet), I am capable of full fledged feral control and transformation...and I have completed over four thousand and seventy successful missions in a row."

Her robe was as thin as paper and soft as silk, and it hugged her tightly enough to show a fairly detailed outlined of her body. She blushed a little as she spotted him staring at her and added, "There is no need to court me, as your people do. I am your mate, so if you wish it, I am all yours, Soul, mind...and body." She knew that normally humans courted each other with conversation and other such things. Her people had no need for such tedious work.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey nodded when she described herself, "That's good I guess but that still doesn't tell me anything about you really. Besides I believe we have had this conversation before," he said very vaguely remembering that they had a similar conversation earlier that day. "Also I don't know if I said this before I want you to be yourself so you don't have to be princess Silvia around me," he stated while he smiled warmly and he moved his hand to her belly rubbing slowly.

When his mate said there was no need to court her he nodded getting the point. "I okay but are you doing this because you have too or because you personally want to have sex?" he asked her. He wanted this relationship to work between him and her, and for it to they would have to work on the relationship together.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silvia had to stop from frowning. "Not to be disrespectful to my Jinkari but...does it matter?" she asked. "You are the dominant in this relationship, my opinion values very very little. Do you not find me attractive? If this is so then I can arrange to move from your quarters. If my race disgusts you in anyway, then I will give orders for us to cover up our scales and wings until you reach my home planet." She was being quite truthful. She knew she was different from humans and also that other species perceptions of attractiveness differed greatly from their own.

Also, she did not want to answer his question, because she knew it would only bring up more of his ridiculous ramblings about her not being herself and such. She was the princess of a mighty warrior race of draconics. She had millions of suitors on her own planet and had rejected them all. She respected strength and freedom and wanted to marry much later in her long long life and wanted to bear the children of a legendary warrior. Instead she got Casey. Needless to say, the answer would not be to his liking.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He shook his head, "Our people value different things do realize that in my world if I'm right, mates are were two people work together. Also on by human standards if I forced myself on you would still be rape, and I my gut tells me that I am not that type of person," he said smiling gently at his mate rubbing her side. "No I find your people interesting to say none the less I mean you don't have wing and your markings are different than your nephew," he stated avoiding her question on whether or not he found her attractive or not at the moment.

The human decided to show her that he did find her hot and sexy looking in his own way. He reached over and grasped her paw and placed it under the sheets. He placed it on his groin so she could feel his erect cock, "If I didn't find you attractive. I wouldn't be aroused at the moment with having you so close. Also I don't know a guy in his right mind would fight you attractive anyway," he said as he let go of her paw. "Also if your not ready then or need more time to get used to me then. I will be willing to wait till you are," he stated as he leaned his head over and nuzzled her neck, he realized her scales were soft and and smooth even when he rubbed against then in the wrong direction.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silvia blushed a little but did not fight anything he did. When he released her hand she began to gently rub against him with it, enticing him further. "My Jinkari should never be like this." she said softly as he nuzzled her neck. "It is my job to make sure you are satisfied with me...I would be shamed if you werent." She blushed a little harder and took her remaining hand and laid it between her breasts. She extended one of her claws and hooked her dress a little. She slowly drew her claw down, cutting a line in the thin fabric evenly between her breasts.

"My people normally simply mate and end it, but I realized that humans were different from my research. Your people enjoy something called "foreplay"...Feel free to practice it on my body." She said almost seductively as she stopped cutting her dress just under her belly button. Becasue of this, her breasts were just barely covered by the thing fabric and her abs and belly button were bare. Silvia was toned, but not bulky. She was very in shape, but not a monster or a washboard. Her pale skin, that which was not around her shoulders, hands, elbows or feet, was flawless despite all her years of battle. The rest was a shining display of smooth silver scales that shown as brightly as her eyes.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey moaned oh so softly as she caressed his throbbing phallus. "I understand but do realize that even though it is your duty to make me satisfied and content with you," he trailed off as she made a cut long her robes reminding him that her claws weren't just for show. He nodded understanding the root of the problem that she had not concept of courtship since her people were totally blunt with each other about what they wanted.

As he gazed at her body it she was exquisite and he craved to touch it intimately. "I know where your coming from Silvia. Yet do realizing your shaming me by disrespecting my beliefs. I won't ask you to except them but I want you to understand them so you know at least were I am coming from," he said as he placed a hand just below her one of her breast's and turned around some so his body was pressed against hers some. "Now I will ask you one more time are you personally wanting to mate?" he asked her as he brought his face close to hers in he wanted her to kiss him as a the sign that she herself was wanting this.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz