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Jeannette and Rubiyat in...
*As Ruby watches the scene below, something very curious is happening to her.

Ruby: What the fuck? It's already happening? But I've only siphoned data from Anita and Devina...

*Her body is changing. There is a red glow outlining her figure, as her arms get more muscular and her breasts expand, and her hair turns a few shades blonder. Suddenly, she bursts into flames, but this doesn't seem to bother her. Some light red armor appears on her body, covering her forearms, shoulders, and shins. A pair of spiked leather gloves appears on her hands, and crimson-feathered wings spring from her back. She looks at herself, and smiles.*

Ruby: Oh SWEETNESS! *Sends psychic message to Jeannette* Hello, babe. Check me out now! I'm a digimon now! You can call me RubyAngemon!

What the fuck happened? Well, you'll have to wait till next time to find out! Your move, Princess.
Whoa! My fiancee's a digimon now? (BTW, Rubiyat...or should I say do I hide the bulge in my tummy? I still wanna make love, but I can't do that because I'm pregnant.)

Lysithea: Whoa, your lover's a Digimon now? I gotta see this!
Me: Do me a favour, hon. Can you biomerge with me? I gotta see her as NeoAngewomon.
Ly: You sure?
Me: Positive! (picks up D-Power and slides biomerge card through reader)

Veronica: We're home! BTW, Jeannette, tell me what's goin' on sweetie!
Me: You'll see. (smiles) I'm coming Ruby!


Lysithea: Angewomon...biomerge to...

(I fly out of my Imperialdrawomon purchases. Jeannine sneaks in and unpacks for me.)

(Next up: Hot Digital Lesbian Beauty! Also: One, will I hide the bulge in my tummy...and will I have lesbian sex again?)
RubyAngewomon: 'Kay, baby. Time for me to explain how I became a digimon!

*She sits down on a couch on the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Below, Sacarissa is put into the rejuvenating bath, where Foundling tends her with kisses and gentle massaging. NeoAngewomon comes and joins her newly-digitized lover.*

RubyAngewomon: Well, first of all... *looks over the many items Jeannette has purchased* it would be physically impossible for me to fertilize any more of your eggs while you're pregnant, and venereal diseases don't affect witches or digimon, so the condoms are unnecessary.

NeoAngewomon: Oh.

RubyAngewomon: Second, witch pregnancies are pretty short, lasting only about 6 months at most, and most witches usually end up using magic in order to cut the process down to 1 week. (Because what self-respecting witch would want to spend over half their year feeling bloated and tired?) Just talk to Genea and she'll put some magic on you to speed things along. We'll cut it down to just two weeks, and then you'll have a completely healthy little witchling.

NeoAngewomon: Hmm...

RubyAngewomon: And third, time for me to explain my transformation. You see, I discovered recently that when digimon fuck, they emit stray data, in the same way that humans emit sweat under similar conditions. So I thought, what if there was a way to capture that stray data and fuse it with myself. So I set up this scenario, with the digigirls aggressively fucking the human girls. Because they forced to use extra force in their sex, Anita and Devina gave off lots of stray data. And, in accordance with the Conservation Laws of physics, this stray data was absorbed by Foundling and Sacarissa. And when they get put in the Regeneration pool, that stray data transferred into me! And now, I'm a digimon!

NeoAngewomon: Cool!

RubyAngewomon: Of course, now that I know how to do this, all I need to do is find some easy way to do it to the other girls, and we can have a whole houseful of digital lesbians to fuck!
..."Do you still love me?"

"Sure I do, NeoAngewomon."

We shared a kiss for the better part of 10 minutes. Then we did some yoga for a while...

(5 months...20 days later)

I thanked her for the offer, but I wouldn't be her fiancee if I took that easy way out that Genea promised to give me..., so I will stick it out some more.

I was nude, clad in just a pair of gym slippers.

"Hey Rubiyat, wanna feel my witchling baby kick?"

I smiled and pinched my boob (Ooooh), and patted my pregnant belly.

(BTW, what name shall I give the baby? Amy Rose? Sakura? Yvette? Yulia?)

PS. Remember that Egyptian Dancer's Dress and Harem Pants you wore when I first met ya, Rubiyat? Well, I got myself one and a pair of gold and ruby Arab dancing slippers to go with it. Hey, when my pregnancy's over...and Amy Rose (or whoever I call my 'best little gal") is born, I'll model mine and you can model yours! Is okay, my precious lady Rubiyat?
*RubyAngewomon has been busy of late. She's been working on a device to turn the other humans into digimon. And she's finally finished it. She calls the human girls in.*

RubyAngewomon: Hello, darlings! It's time for you all to learn the pleasures of being lesbian digimon!

Foundling: And how do you propose to do that, Ruby?

RubyAngewomon: With THIS!

*She pulls out a large ray gun and fires it at Foundling. Foundling explodes into a million pieces and then suddenly rematerializes.*

RubyAngewomon: Girls, meet Artemimon!

*Where Foundling once stood, there is now a lovely young blonde girl who sort of resembles Wonder Woman; She's got a trim athletic body, with silver gauntlets and shinguards, and a silver tiara with a crescent moon on it. Her body is currently nude, and she bows before RubyAngewomon and kisses her feet.*

Artemimon: Oh, Ruby... thank you for this gift!

RubyAngewomon: My pleasure, darling. And now, Tab shall become... PornoSilphymon!

*She fires the gun at Tab, and Tab becomes PornoSilphymon, who looks similar to the DNA-digivolution of Gatomon and Hawkmon, except that her ass and pussy are featherless, and there's no metal bra thing on her chest.*

PornoSilphymon: COOL!

Sacarissa: Do me next!

RubyAngewomon: Right. You will be... Koibitomon!

*Sacarissa is turned into Koibitomon. She looks sort of similar to her old self, except that she now has long black licorice pigtails, chocolate Hershey kiss nipples, almond fingernails and toenails, and vanilla skin. She's roughly the same size as before, except that she looks even cuter.*

Artemimon: Aww, you look so fucking cute!

PornoSilphymon: C'mere, baby! *licks Koibitomon's cheek* Ooh! She tastes like vanilla! Let's see what your cunt tastes like, candy girl! *She tongues her lover's sex until the digi-girl finally cums, filling her mouth with something very tasty...* Oh my god! Your cunt tastes like strawberries, and your girl-cum tastes like chocolate syrup! Fucking awesome!

RubyAngewomon: Now, that just leaves the two witches...

What will Euphony and Genea be turned into? Find out next time!
Lysithea: Jeannette-hime, come look at this!

Me: Darling, I'm in the middle of my ballet lesson!

Lysithea: C'mon, this'll only take a moment. You can keep your satin slippers on if you want.

Me: Ooooookay. (thinks) Rubiyat's got something geishalicious planned! The girl in me wants to see, and the lesbian woman I am now wants to see the beauty in this.

(15 minutes later)

Lysithea: You can open your eyes now, Jeannette. (I do so)

Me: *gasp!* New girl Digimon! But do they have any attacks, too? This I might wanna see.

Note to self: Challenge RubyAngewomon to mock battle. As NeoAngewomon, I am a beautiful graceful fighter. I like battle.
RubyAngewomon: Time for the last two! *fires the digitizer gun at Euphony* Dear sister, you shall become Astramon!

*Euphony's body turns black and her skin becomes covered with stars and novas and planets. Her nipples become bright pink. Her hair stays the same, but becomes flaming red in color. Her eyes turn a sort of neon green shade.*

Astramon: SWEET!

Artemimon: Ooh, I wanna play with your black holes!

Koibitomon: And I wouldn't mind playing with your two planets!

RubyAngewomon: Quite a heavenly body, indeed. *takes aim with the gun* All right, Genea. You shall become Sygnamon!

*She fires, and Genea's flesh turns snow-white. Her lips turn orangish-red, and her eyes turn sky-blue. A tuft of white feathers appears just a few feet above her pussy, and more feathers appear on her arms. And a crown of feathers appears at her hairline.*

RubyAngewomon: You look so beautiful, darling! In fact, I think I'll present you as a temporary sex slave to NeoAngewomon. *She calls up her lovely princess* Baby, get over here and fuck your new slave, Sygnamon! Break in her newly-digitized cunt with your big angel cock!

Your turn, Princess!
I magic up my sexy angel cock, and a bed for me and...Sygnamon for us to fuck on.

Me: Let's fuck, Sygnamon (purr!). *strokes my hot cock...coaxing forth my angelic precum. She takes a lick of my cock head...*

PS. I made a "UPN 69" logo, GM. (BTW, would KDAD make a good set of call letters for it? If you like, I can email it to you.)
Sorry for the inactivity, darling. Just 5 more days and then I'll be done with school for the year. That is, assuming I can stay alive till Thursday (It's exam week, and I got to get an "A" on my physics final or I'll fail and my mother will shoot me! I am so fucked! lol )

But no matter. On with the show!

Sygnamon: Yes, my queen. Your wish is my command.

*Sygnamon wraps her lips around NeoAngewomon's prick, and the angel digimon yelps. The swan-like digimon is the ultimate living sex toy, and her lips, tongue, and flesh are all coated with a thin layer of an absorbable, pleasure-giving chemical that behaves like a combination of viagra, ecstasy, and cocaine (except without any unpleasant side effects). Needless to say, the effect this has on NeoAngewomon is quite stimulating...*


RubyAngewomon: I take it you like your gift, baby?
Me: Oh Genea...would you like me to lick you out? You don't have to if you don't want to. (sexy pause, flaps wings) But first, how about a tit fuck? (straddles Sygnamon and puts my angel cock between her boobs) Oh heavenly lesbian lady lust! Even dickgirl lesbian lust is good, too.

Devina: Oooh can I watch too? I like it when Jeannette gives me a tit fuck darlink. (She gets to be dickgirl for a while, then we swap the roles before she shoves her hot womanly prick inside my nice wet squishy pussy.)

*I cup my boobs and play with them*