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Faiz / Kyosan RPG
[Ground Floor]

"Wow, this is..." Kyosan paused for a moment, tapping the screen as it came to life for a moment before then filing through all the meals. He was surprised at how innovative it was, as he tapped a meal for a chicken course while smiling. "I'm done ordering, how about you?" He chuckled gently.

[First Floor]

"Hmm... perhaps this," Kotana murmured, testing out the new technology curiously as she overlooked all the options, before eventually pressing for a steak dish while looking onto Eryx curiously. "Okay, all done. Wow, they definately don't have this elsewhere I've been." She giggled lightly.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

Reimu tapping on the screen and browse the entire menu, end up ordering an expresso coffee and pasta. Shi usually didn't eat much outside except when shi do lots of work that needs plenty of energy. "Same for me, Kyo. I'm sure this is your first time seeing this piece of technology."

[First Floor]

The hyena order his usual meal set for that day consist of steamed fish and strawberry juice. He will try a new dish set everytime he drop by to this restaurant with his fellow friend Reimu. "Me too. This would become a good investment for the businessman from your planet. We love to share our invention to the world to create a better living for the people."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

"Definately a first time for me for sure," Kyosan murmured, nodding as he rested back in his chair for a moment before then looking onto Reimu once more, smiling gently. "So, tell me more about the person behind the officer then, Reimu; I'm really interested." He chuckled lightly.

[First Floor]

"It'd really be a good investment, even if it is just a small step." Kotana giggled lightly as she thought of the many places she knew of herself that could use the system, before then looking onto Eryx and smiling. "So, Eryx, what about yourself? I mean, what's your own story?" She asked politely.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

(I use Her instead of Hir until they realize Reimu is a herm XD )

"Looks convincing enough." Reimu flicking her tail in-between her legs as staring onto such a nice-looking male dragon, and smiled when Kyosan asked her. "As you can see I'm a very polite, cheerful and kind dragoness, easy to talk with, and not to forget, cute." She giggles. Just in case you asking about my status, yep, I'm single and doesn't have any boyfriend yet."

[First Floor]

Eryx agreed and nodded while putting his big soft paws on the table, and blinks a little. He told about his position in the security brigade and how he met Reimu, until arrives to his personal story. "There's not much about myself, though. I'm an artist who draws beautiful pictures of furries and..." He paused for a while, a tiny blush crossed his cheek. "...A naughty pictures as well..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

(Good idea XP)

"Well, cute is definately one thing I can agree on." Kyosan chuckled in response to her, his own tail wagging gently from curiosity as he lightly flushed from the admittance. "Well, that's a surprise. I would have thought someone as cute as yourself would be looked upon a lot." He commented honestly.

[First Floor]

Kotana flushed darkly from Eryx's words, not expecting him to admit something like that out loud but still giggled nonetheless, looking onto him gently and admiring the hyena for a moment before smiling. "Well I guess it gives you practice in posture and emotion." She giggled lightly, winking a little before then smiling. "I'm surprised though... I'd really love to see your art sometime, I bet it must be good."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

"Well, there's a few males in my department as well as outsiders trying to flirt with me, but I reject it politely because I'm not ready to involve in relationships." Reimu steted as the waitress returned by bringing their meal and setting up on the table, before the waitress bowed and said "Enjoy your meal."

The dragon bowed as well and the waitress leaves. "I realize I'm quite picky on choosing a males to be my mate, but as I said I'm not ready yet." Reimu pick up the fork and began eating the pasta.

[First Floor]

Later, the cat waitress deliver the meal and setting up on their table. "Please enjoy your meal." She said and bows before leaving to entertain other customers.

Eryx bowed and smiled. "Thank you, miss." He then look to Kotana, splitting the chopsticks prod the steamed fish which come with a bowl of rice. "Oh, yes. It is good. You won't see the difference between my artwork and real photo." Eryx giggles cutely and began eating his meal.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

Thanking the waitress kindly and hearing Reimu out for a moment, the dragon blinked in surprise. No wonder. I'm still surprised though... He thought to himself for a moment, before then smiling and then chuckling. "Who knows, the right one may be just around the corner." He replied a little recklessly, as he picked up his cutlery and began to cut into his meal, before having a decent bite.

[First Floor]

In the same manner, Kotana also thanked the waitress, as she turned to her meal and Eryx once more before then smiling, and picking up her cutlery once more. "Well, I'd love to see it. That sounds like you really are something amazing," She murmured gently, picturing the idea of photo-like drawings as she then went to bite down on a piece of her steak-dish.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

The dragoness murring happily from the taste of this delicious pasta which is one of her favorite meal, smiling from the statement. "Might be possible, though. I can sense the possibility when you decided to treat me for a meal." She grin a little to Kyosan, seeming like she knew his intention.

[First Floor]

The hyena indulge his meal slowly yet politely so he can enjoy every single flavor on his meal. "Well, you can come over to my apartment this weekend to see my latest artwork, but you have to brace yourself with the 'content' of my drawings."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

Flushing lightly yet biting his lower lip, Kyosan took a moment to continue eating his food, a little flustered by the statement before then chuckling a little. "Well, I'll be honest, you really did catch my eye. It's not usual I meet someone like yourself." He murmured lightly, wondering how she would take it as he began to take a gulp of the drink he had ordered as well.

[First Floor]

"Don't worry, I'm used to seeing that kind of stuff here and there. I'll be alright," Kotana smiled gently, giving a little energetic flap of her wings before continuing to eat her steak meal and taking occasional drinks of her chilled glass, pausing for a moment before smiling. "I take it the weekend is when the trials and all about today will be concluded?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
[Ground Floor]

"Heh. All in all, let's see if you have an ability to tackle me." Reimu giggles and poking her pink tongue out cutely as eating half of the pasta and take a sip of her expresso coffee. It is true Reimu could sense the males' intentions when they tried to flirt her no matter how good they impress her. For Kyosan's statement, she take it not more than normal compliment. "Since you already knew me, how about you tell yours?"

[First Floor]

A soft wind blows slowly and brushing their body in gentle way, a big wind turbine that stood mightly in the middle of the city spinning and generates a power for the citizen. "Normally the trial like this only take less than 5 days to finish. We use the remaining time to patrol around and then take a day off on weekends."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds