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Digimon: War of the Worlds
Before getting back into his room Kai saw Fred and Mike and thought 'Did they see Him'
Dom grinned evilly as the attack hit... and did absolutely nothing "Little mice attack can't hurt me!" He laughed "FEROCIOUS CLAW!!!" He jumped, even higher than before, and began throwing insanely fast swipes, hacking at Xardainmon in rage and blood-lust.

OOC: :P I really thought Xardainmon was smarter than that; attacking Dom head-on is insanity!
When Xardianmon getting hit he started to spin his sword and block some hits. "Dame you! Raaar, Burning Phoenix!" said as he started to become on fire and his face looks like a bird and grew feather tails and flew a little bit higher.
Dom hopped madly, frothing at the mouth like some rabid animal "COWARD!!!"
"Heh, that's only the first part of my attack, NOW FOR PART TWO! Phoenix Tail Feather Blades!" said Xardainmon as he move his burning tail and let them lose and they became sarp spears head to Dom.
Dom blinked stupidly at the attack, not even trying to evade. It struck and obviously did damage, that is... if his painful howl was anything to go by.
"Hmm, not bad, now try this!" said Xardainmon as he rase one hand and the flame form it to a bird claw. "Phoenix Claw!" said Xardainmon as he shoot the claw at Dom
Dom screeched and deflected the claw with his own "Rage Burn!" He roared at Xardainmon as his entire body exploded into flame, everything within several meters melting.
"You know that Chris guy is hidding something from us." said Mike laying on her bed looking at the celing.
"Yeah, I know..." Fred said, "If they had dealed with it before then it must've been a horrible battle for him to sound the way he did...."