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Gamer adrift in a sea of disinterest
Dragon Quest VIII is really good. I'm only two hours into it but I'm really enjoying it so far.
I gotta get that game I love RPGs unfortunately not many newer RPGs can seem to hold a candle to the older ones like lunar, the chrono games, xenogears, and my personal favorite Suikoden II. Too many games nowadays rely too much on graphics and not enough on story or gameplay.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yeah that game is extreamly popular, in japan they can only realease a new game on the weekends so no one cuts class.
Yeah Dragon Quest VIII is awesome! You know a game is good when you refuse to put down the controller even though you're either hungry, tired, or gotta pee (or maybe it's just me who does this)...

I really lose track of time when I play this game though, I'll start at like 10:00 and then the next time I look at the clock it's 5:30 and I'm like, "Holy shit!" I get obsessed with it, kinda like I do with Metal Gear...

It's a real pity I could only rent it...
Well here's hoping that more Dragon Quest games will start coming over to the states as well.
I do the same.
It depends on how well it sells.
I finally got around to playing and beating Final Fantasy VII. I know any hardcore RPG gamers are probably thinking "It took you this long?! Why?!" Basically until recently, I just didn't care. But my brother has been downloading trailers and AMVs (Anime Music Videos) to the OAV Last Order and Advent Children for the past few months and I'm getting pretty psyched up about how cool they look so I decided to play FFVII so I'd know what was going on without having to ask questions.

It's an excellent game don't get me wrong, I'm still leveling up my materia to get multiple master materias to give Sephiroth a red-ass beat down with all the characters just for fun. But I just don't get the almost cult-like following the game has received.

Back when it came out there were almost as many fanboys for it as there are for Halo now. I've felt that every FF has been wonderful in their own ways, (the first one I played was IX) but I can't really say any one of them really stood out as a pillar of an RPG. Truthfully I can't really say that about any RPG.

Except for some 'In the moment' type things I don't really think any game in any genre has ever absolutely blown me away. I love games, they're a huge part of my life but I've never had such a strong reaction to one that it would turn me into a ravenous, salivating fanboy. ...Actually that's probably a good thing.
since you beat it you'll know what I mean: It's the scene at the end of disc one that hooked alot of people, we've seen it happen in past FFs but this one just kinda stuck in the hearts of gamers thanks to the CGIs (which were brand new then) plus with a main hero who, let's just say, wasn't all there, and a villain that was absolutely pure evil (the cutscene at the end of disc 1 proves it) it made a memorable experience. Plus where else can you travel with a crazy tiger thing, a gun toting maniac (who's gun is also his arm), a scantilly clad ninja, a stuffed animal, and an old man who swears like a sailor with tourettes syndrome (I apoligize if that offends anyone but it is an accurate description).
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I think it was a really good game back then so that could be one reason.
shadowknight Wrote:It's the scene at the end of disc one that hooked alot of people, we've seen it happen in past FFs but this one just kinda stuck in the hearts of gamers thanks to the CGIs (which were brand new then).

I would have cryed during that if a screenshot of that bit wasn't on the back of the box.

The FMVs and greatly expanded characterisation in FFVII made it a cult hit at the time, like Doctor Who became a classic because of the mystery around the Doctor, and a new consept in televised si-fi; time travel. Star Wars was a classic because a young boy is the hero (never done before), and The Force was an entirely unexplored idea. New things are classic.