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Meh - I was gone, but I am back..... (too addicted) X3
what do you mean 3??? wait...*counts* ...casey ray...AV...schizokat...*realizes* oh...right....three members heh...

i thought you were talking about me only, and i was gonna say i have many more personalities than just 3...i havearound 10 personalities(including me) yes i know that it sounds crazy...wel, i AM crazy!
who 10 different persons. Nice sounds living with you includes a lot of changing always ^^
1..........5............20........2..... i hate math Evil i almost there? :? oh SCREW THIS *unloads 9 slugs into schizo* there i saved us all from math :D go me!!! (after all there can be only one.... the one that doesnt annoy me would be best though....) *reloads gun* AV you got any extras lying around you need rid of? :?:
nah, I need my few others at the moment, who knows when I get my next mental breakout again, and then it would be weird if I have to do it with my nice self ^^
don't kill my voices! they're my friends! they advise me on stuff...for example: Kyle told me to kill myself last year and i listened to him(big mistake btw...luckly the scarring was minimal) and cindy tells me about girls and how to act around them(i like her) and there is even a voice i named schizokat(thats kinda why i chose this name for this site).

and inbetween all these voices is me(roy) and i listen to their advice and say things and do things based on what they say...some may even say that i use the voices as sorta a way to think....but i say they are my friends!

but kyle is an asshole(luckly i ignore him, and his suicide opinions)

if you really want me to i could tell you who all the voices are and what they do in my head...but not right now, right now i'm feeling lazy...(joels fault not mine)
oh they have all different names. Nice idea O_o
hmmmmm i guess i wont then............... :cry: *really disapointed* ah well back to my stories for i :)
have you gotten the reply Email I sent you, Casey?
er...theey don't have names...i just sorta named them...:D anyway, it's not important...or is it?*mysterious*
no one can leave ....... no one .... every true DaD goer has left a few times but alwayce returned ... he he he he he he he they alwayce come back