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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
"She's cranky, now's not the best time to talk to her," Savior quickly said, stopping Dess and taking out another energy bar and giving it to him. "I don't have much food. We need to get out of here." He looked at Angel, sighing as he gave the bar to Dess. "And how is she supposed to not notice us? There has to be something we can do...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Dess ignored the bar completely and kept walking towards Angel. "Food," He growled, raising an arm as he neared her. She rolled out of the way of his path then and shot the taser at him, which hit his wing and did nothing. Strangely enough, he didnt turn around after and walked to the table she had been standing in front of. The table was full of strange experiments and alchemical ingredients like newt eyes, frog legs, live worms, dragon tail, and all sorts of other, foul smelling things. Dess went to town when he reached the table, eating it all, chugging down the bottles of eye balls, eating all the frog legs, crunching the jars of worms, and eating everything else, even things that didnt look remotely edible. Meldoy was hiding behind a nearby corner, not watching as he ate everything on the table save for the plates and utensils, well, most of them.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well. That was different," he commented as he walked over to Angel.

I knew he wouldn't hurt her. You need more faith in me, a voice commented. Once Dess was done eating everything on the table, and maybe even part of the table, Savior called out to him, slightly worried about getting near him. "Dess? Do you feel any better?"

Give him one of your gadgets to eat. May I suggest the grenade? The acid vials? Shock darts?
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Funny." Dess growled, looking back at Savior. "But acid is bad for my teeth." He wiped his mouth and Angel simply continued to stare at him as she would a mad man. "He asked you if you were better, Acid wasnt-" "that isnt important." Dess cut her off. "You want to leave this wretched hive? I have the power too. But I will need blood. Any will do." He looked at Savior and added, "Not yours." He then looked at Angel. "Hey, dont look at me, I just got a transplant, Im running low." There was only one other person left, Melody, who was doing her best to hide. "I can do this without blood if I need to, but it will be harder, particularly with all four of you thinking so loudly." He said, taking a seat in a nearby chair. "Four of us? You counting yourself?" Angel asked. "Not important. Tell me, do we have blood or not?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hey! He can hear us. Hmmm...Cut myself into pieces! This is my last resort! Suffocation! No breathing! Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm, bleeding! This is my last resort....No, wait, THIS is my last resort.

QUIET! Savior roared, before looking at Dess, wondering if he could help him with Tobias.

Alright, alright. Big party pooper.

He then looked at Melody and went down on one knee. "Please, Melody, I promise you he won't take anymore than he needs to. Right? You won't. Please, Melody, just go to him and let him bite you. Please, all our lives depend on it..." he begged. He would continue to try and get her to help them, but if he had no other choice, he would use force.

Ladies and gentlemen in the audience tonight, academy award winning actor, RAY FINES! Okay, I'm done.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Dess growled, though whether it was in response to all of the noise Tobias was making or simply to all the "food" he had eaten was unknown. Melody paled and shook her head hard, crawling away. "I wont bite her, I am not vampire." Dess said, plucking one of his own feathers and dropping it, letting it fly over to Savior. "Careful, its sharp. Very sharp." He warned, and indeed the edges of the seemingly soft black feather were sharper than razor sharp, cutting with but a touch. He could use this to get blood from Melody easily, but he would have to be careful not to cut off an arm with that feather.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Sorry. I'm just used to biting. Long story," Savior replied, before looking at the feather. He was careful to pick it up and looked at Angel, then at Melody. "Don't worry. I have bandages on me and once we reach my base we can heal it easily. Please, Melody. Just give me your arm. I promise it will only hurt for a second..." If she continued to resist, he would try again, before looking at Angel. "Hold her," he ordered, sighing.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Melody looked frightened, almost terrified of the prospect and hugged herself, backing away as far as she could, literally shaking. As much as he tried. Savior could not convince her to let him cut her with the black feather, and Angel was by his side in no time. "With pleasure." She said as she jumped on Melody, working her into a painful lock hold that had her right arm extended up and helpless while Angel sat on the struggling slave. "Hurry up, she is putting up a death struggle here." Angel said as she tried to keep Melody under control. Melody was screaming and struggling so hard that it was a marvel the girl still had that kind of fight left in her, Looking at her carefully though, Alex could see that aside from the bruise he himself had inflicted, she was physically flawless. No scratches or scars of any kind, not even scabs. Did this have to do with her seemingly mortal fear of being cut? Or maybe Dess and her had...bad blood? Was she afraid of Dess? Was his feather the reason, was it even related?
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior looked at Melody, from her bruise to her hair, down to her toes, and into her fearful eyes. He looked at Dess, holding the feather down. "Why can't you just use my blood?!" he demanded. "Why does it have to be Melody's? She's already a scared, hurt being. Does she really need to suffer more?" the masked man asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"It must be female blood. Male blood is...dirtied. Even so, I could have used your blood, were it not so particularly sullied. I do not know of what activities you partake of, hero, but they are at least harsh punishments at best. Innocent blood is ideal, Female blood is quality blood, and Melody covers at least some of that. I dont care if I get it from her or someone else, but your blood is fouled, and it will not do. Well, not unless you want to be teleported to the sixth hell. That would be easy with your blood." The Black winged man explained. Melody screamed again and tried to bite Sarah, struggling even harder. "For pete's sake! Savior if your going to nick the bitch then do it! She is like a wild animal over here!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)