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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
"She's alive. She helped me, much like she helped you. Look, I can help you as well. I can free you of these chains," he explained. "I have items, weapons of my own creation, that can help you." He stopped though and thought about it. These chains were most likely magic, and he had no idea if his weapons would work on them. "Can you help me stop Dark Spell from hurting more innocent people? Can you help me free and save Melody?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Ssssss, can I help he asssssks." The creature said, his snake eyes following Savior. "Dark Sssspell's power comessss, from me." he coughed out. "Remove me from thissss place, and she will have no more power with which to fight you with. Now hurry, do ssssomthing, free me from this prison!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior nodded and pulled out another vial of acid, being careful as he poured it onto the chains. "Just hold still. I don't want to hurt you by accident," he stated. As he worked to free the winged figure, he asked, "Do you have a name?" and "What will you do after I free you?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
For the Acid Savior could try several places, but most of them would most likely burn through the chains and to the man beneath. He could always try to melt the chains that led into the walls, which had no risk of touching the strange winged man. Doing so would loosen the chains, and perhaps even free him entirely, but it would be up to him to untangle them. As Savior decided where to pour the acid, the figure responded. "My name...isss Dessssssss"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...Of course," Savior sighed, deciding to cut the chains at their connection to the wall. He didn't want to hurt the winged figure, and he could untangle him by himself. "So, Dess, what exactly do you plan on doing to Dark Spell when you get out? Of course you know, I can't let you kill her. She has to be put on trial for her crimes. Once that's done with, and she most likely gets the death sentence, well, then anyone can kill her," he explained, after melting the chains and untangling them.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
As soon as the chains were weakened Dess simply ripped them out of the walls, uncaring whether or not they were untangled now, having lost their magical restrains. The runes around them slowly stopped glowing and the chain covered man flexed his wings, blasting the chains off of his raven like wings. "I plan on making her suffer, suffer for as long as I did. Suffer for longer." He hissed, pulling the chains away from his face, revealing a gaunt visage of what may have once been a handsome man. He looked as though he had not been fed in weeks, almost skeletal n appearance with long, wispy black hair coming from his head, but no beard. "Then, when she begs for death, begs for oblivion I will torture her again, thrice the time I did before." He continued, slowly walking towards the door, chains dragging as he did. "And then, after that, when there is nothing left of her, nothing but the tatters of what may have once been a human, I will dig a grave for her and bury her alive."

He reached the door and collapsed, coughing hard. As Vengeful as this creature seemed to be, there was no doubt that he was greatly weakened. His wings drooped as though he were unable to lift them, and his coughs sounded bad. He needed medical attention.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior quickly ran over to the injured figure and ordered him to relax. "You're hurt. I have some medical equipment in my belt. Not much, but its something. Maybe I can get you to my base to rest?" he added, as he rolled him onto his side and took out some pain killers and an energy bar. "Can you eat?" he asked, and if Dess could, he would give him the bar to eat as well as the painkillers, if he was in any kind of pain. He would use what little bandages and medicines he had to try and heal Dess' smaller wounds, but he needed his base to heal him completely. Whether he did or did not eat the food and bar, Savior tied to help him up and tried walking him up the stairs.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Dess groaned but was soon back on his feet. "I am not hurt...only...starved." If offered the food he would devour it immediately, but would refuse the pain killer. From what Savior could tell, Dess was suffering from starvation, dehydration, and severe muscle atrophy on all levels. He also had tons of vitamin deficiencies, as though he had not eaten in forever and had just...not died. With Savior's help the chain draped Dess would make it to the stairs, but instead of walking he would say, "Hold on tight." and fly straight up the spiral stair case, his wings extending and flapping gracefully despite his weakness. When they reached the top of the stairs he collapsed again out of exhaustion. Melody gasped, and Angel aimed her Taser. "New friends?" She asked, though her eyes were glued to Dess.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Whoa!" the hero gasped as they were suddenly flown into the air. No wonder so many heroes enjoy that, he thought as he saw Melody and Angel. "He's on our side," Savior quickly declared, stopping Angel. "Angel, this is Dess, Dess, this is my friend, Angel. I take it you and Melody already know each other," he said as he helped Dess walk over to the two, before lying him on the ground. "We need a way out. Any suggestions?" he asked the group.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Melody looked at Dess with a combination of awe, fear, and respect. Angel looked at him with a skeptical glance. "Well, been looking, but the only way out of this place is magical portal. So we have to wait until Dark Spell gets back and hope she doesnt already know we are here, otherwise she might just cave this place and kill us all." Angel said. Dess groaned and rose again. "Food." He hissed as he started stumbling towards Angel. "Savior, might want to do something about your new best friend. I aint no happy meal." She said as she raised her taser again, aiming it as Dess got closer and closer.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)