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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"wait were you inside or outside the pentagram that i made? i can expliane what happend to me. but..."
Veemon's Followers
"I sure wasn't in it... I was trying to snap Blue out of his trance!"
"what were you thinking about while you were boarding?"
Veemon's Followers
Ky growls slightly.

"That... Shadow thing...."
"Hmm. I think you opened an emotional pathway between you and blue. you may have gotten some of blue's powers with the new eyes. lets see if blue knows anything."
Veemon's Followers
Ky shakes his head.

"Yeah. Blue's unconscious, remember? Plue last time, I was thinking about Shadow because Blue was talking about it. This time I was thinking about it on my own. I doubt Blue had something to do with it...."
"lets go check on him. he may be in trouble." ::he grabs Ky around the waist and takes off into the air::
Veemon's Followers
Ky lets him, a bit nervous about falling.
"that was great! i'v never flown out of my vampire form before." ::flyes into the window:: "now, where is Blue?"
Veemon's Followers
"Asleep on the bed like I left him...."

He points to the blue wolf.

"That's him, right?"