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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
Axel took Serenity back and gently pet her cheek with his finger. "I am sorry, Serenity, but not everyone is as pure or as kind as you. I did what my heart wanted, and I wanted her to pay for what she did. Do you hate me for that, my dear?"


Its nothing....Hunter wanted to say that, it would have been better if he had, probably, but....."Stop!" he ordered the troops. "Bring her here, before me and leave!" he ordered. What was he doing!? He was going against Saxon Order, Tradition, Law, and even Religion! When the slaves was brought before him he looked at her and at first seemed angry at what he just did. "Saxon Conduct is too kill rebellious, deformed, or otherwise unfit to serve slaves. I will merely punish you....You're punishment will share a meal, with my wife and I, when we return to the castle," he sighed, and then smiled at her, patting her on the head once more. He then looked at Grace and smiled to her as well.
Serenity shook her head against his cheek, leaving some moisture there from her tears. "No...I cant hate you...lets just leave this place..." She said sadly. She hated death, hated it so badly, she just wanted to leave this place and live free...or eat least more free. Without her magic restraints, Serenity was much more powerful...but it had been so long since she had felt her power, she feared she could not longer use it.


Grace looked shocked at the horrible law but then smiled at Hunter and hugged his arm more tightly. She was happy he was willing to do this for her. The slave however, broke down into tears of joy. "Th-Thank you master Hunter, I swear I will serve you well for the rest of my life. As long as I live I will always be loyal to you and your causes!" She fell to her knees and began to cry into her hand, so happy to be allowed to live, just to be able to see another sunset. But unfortunately, she was not the only one injured in the fight, and even as they spoke and as she cried tears of joy, other Angelo who had served loyally were executed, one for missing a finger.

Other Saxon's grumbled and looked at Hunter with new uncertainty. Was he actually going to treat his slave like a wife? And was he really going to listen to her? To fallow her words rather then their most ancient customs?! The seeds had just been planted, and decent was already on their minds now, doubting Hunter's ability to lead. The thoughts were little and the doubts small, but they would grow given time and rumors, they would grow.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel nodded and jumped on the first carriage home with his new friend. "Serenity, if you do not mind, I would you you to be my helper in my potion room. I have been needing an assistant after what happened to poor, poor Kenny. Would you like to accept this offer? I promise, a fantastic surprise for you if you do."


Hunter saw the doubt, anger, and uncertainty, with his army and growled at them, showing off his wolf features. "What are you looking at?" he growled dangerously. He then turned to Grace and whispered, only so his wife could hear. "I am doing something, most Saxon would call foolish. Do not make me regret this. I expect to be treated well in bed, and to be respected. Do not show me respect as your husband and Master, and your people will die, my love. Remember that, you are still my wife and slave," he said.
Grace nodded sadly and lowered her eyes, standing by his side and looking submissive and servant like. the woman did the same, standing behind Hunter, her eyes on the ground and her hands clasped together in front of her. Grace would have argued that continued sexual activities would risk the child...but she decided that she was still early enough into the pregnancy to take the risk for her husband/master. The solders seemed to relax now and went about there work, but no all their doubts were gone.


Serenity nodded and said "Of course! I would love to....besides, I dont really have anywhere else to go." She sat next to him in the carriage, looking like a child next to him, swinging her freed legs around as they dangled off the floor. IT had been sooooo long since she could move her feet like that. The two soldiers riding with them looked at her wearily and then said "Sir...should you not but a restraining collar on a magical slave? To be safe I mean?" Serenity looked up at them with surprise and then looked at Axle with fear in her eyes. Was she going to be his slave now? Was she simply being taken to another place to be chained up and forced to serve?! If they were...then she would go quietly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I highly doubt Serenity would attack me, solider. Or do you doubt the power of a Saxon Warlock?" he asked, raising his brow. He then looked at Serenity, and crossed his arms. "Unless she gives me reason to do such a thing, I will leave her be as is. Do not give me a reason to do so, Serenity."


"Good, let's get to a carriage then and go home," Hunter ordered, and motioned the two to fall him. He led them to carriage with his royal guard, and probably Alexander two. He led Grace and the slave and sat in himself, and if Alexander was there, he would give him a look that said, Do you doubt me two?
Serenity looked down at her feet and shook her head, already realizing that her freedom was false, she was simply less imprisoned...for now. "I will behave...master." She said timidly, lowering her head and changing her posture as she was used to when in the presence of a person she served. The soldiers nodded their approval and said nothing more. Serenity spent the trip sitting quietly and obediently beside her new master, not moving much or speaking, or even looking up, which was impressive since fairies were famous for being fidgety...but after being whipped for every twitch she made during her entire stay at the bandit base, she had learned how to kill her own nature and remain still.

She was close to Axle, and would have snuggled up next to him, in fact she planned to, fairies being such affectionate creatures, but that was not proper for a slave to do, to any one, ever unless ordered. Now Axle saw how she was when she was in the presence of a master, who was now him and every other saxon, how quickly the Serenity he knew died and was replaced by the visage of the perfect little slave. She wanted to tremble, she wanted to snuggle, to be touched again and hugged and feel more of the affection she craved...but all she could do wqas shake slightly as they drew closer and closer to the castle, her new prison.


The two woman fallowed him and sat down inside the carriage. The armless woman was lucky enough to be attended to before she bled out and now had a wrap over her stub that started just behind where her elbow was. She sat across from him while Grace sat at his side silently. Alexander stayed behind to continue the operations of looting the base, so he was not seen. Soon they were nearing the castle and soon they would be allowed off.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel saw what his words did and he brought her closer, so she was touching him, even snuggling up to him. "You no I will not be like them, and I know you will not harm me. You are not my slave, my dear. You are my Serenity. My peace, in this war torn world. Please, be happy," he said. Never in his life did he find himself caring for another like this...Was this love? Love changed hunter greatly, so now it was changing him, he realized.


Hunter stayed quiet, lost in thought, he did have his arm around Grace's waist and pulled her close she was cuddling up to him. He then put his over the other slave's shoulder, pulled her closer, though gently since she was greatly injured.
Serenity looked up at him for a moment and then snuggled into him. "Th-Thank you master." She said timidly but obviously enjoying the ability to snuggle with Axle. She was so small and delicate, Axle could crush her with but a though, even why did he like her? Because she was pure and kind? Because she was obviously a good slave? Did he just lust for her? Only Axle could answer those questions, and perhaps he would as the little fair cuddled with him, now sitting on his lap and wrapping herself in his robes so that she was warm and near his heart beat.


Grace leaned into him and laid her head on his shoulders. "Thank you hunter." She whispered to him as they road back. The other slave was much more refined, not wanting to over step any bounds, but she showed her gratitude by smiling timidly and showing that she would forever serve him faithfully.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She was so pure, so good....I wonder if this is what Hunter felt with Grace? he thought. "Are there yet?" he asked one of the troops as he smiled at Serenity, as she used him as a blanket.


"Mmm..." Hunter simply said, though he felt a strange feeling in him. Love? Joy? Shame? Betrayal? He didn't know, but he wished they could hurry. It had been nearly a week since he fucked his Grace.
" we are." The soldier said at last. Serenity had fallen asleep on Axle's lap, snoring gently, her head against his chest, warm and cozy with his robe covering her body and meager sack cloth clothing.


Hunter arrived soon after Axle, Grace had also fallen asleep, leaning on his shoulder, her soft hair on his neck, the smell of her shampoo entering his nostrils. The Slave was still awake though, obviously pained greatly by her wound.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)