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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
"grrr...not another one...." vook bared her teeth and readied her magic. "i suggest you leave now to avoid all types of death!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Anna blinked and chased after Shadow, resorting to having to go the long way to arrive at where the attack had originated.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow raced through the darkness, seeking out Altima's room. Arriving, he jumped out of the shadows behind Robin, grabbing his arms and locking them in an unbreakable grip.

"Remember me, bastard?" he growled, baring his teeth near Robin's throat.
"Looks the the cavalry as arrived!" Altima growled, as Shadow intruded in his room. Of course he was still naked, so that led to a bit of embarrasement. Altima placed his arms to his chest as he glowed for a small moment, revealivng a giant dragon.
frank jumped to his feet. thay wear under attack. he rused from his room to whare the comocen was.
"So, it seems the little kitty still holds a you still love that whore, Jinx?" Robin said, as Shadow held him. Even though his arms were clung to his body, his hands were free, and being slightly dextrous, he maneuvered his hands into a pocket in his belt, and pulled out a strange metal ball, which he dropped on the floor. It emmitted a high pitched noise, one that extremely sensitive ears could only hear, the ears of a cat.
Shadow winced at the sound, but kept his grip on Robin, snarling at his words.

"You think I haven't learned from our last encounter, bannana butt?! Now you will pay for what you did to Jinx!" he roared, flinging Robin through the door and out into the hall. He then dived after him, claws bared.
Anna ducked out of the way of Robin slamming through the wall, coughing in the splintering metal and drywall. "Uh oh..." she said, blinking in the dust, staring at Robin. "...You!" she snarled, recognising Robin's face on sight.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Robin jumped up on his feet, grabbing a small ball with a large 'P' on it, he threw it at her face, as it exploded into a cloud of pepper, and Ink.

Altima rushed out after Robin, as robin ducked down low, kicking Altima in the groin, now, even thought in his current form, Altima is both stronger and durable... the trade-off is that he is more sensitive around his privates. Altima immediately fell on the floor, curled up, and drooling.
"GET BACK HERE!" roared Shadow, taking off after Robin and slashing at him with his claws.