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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Alex was moaning, and actually had to fight back the urge to scream. He had fucked many women, and although Silvia was always his favorite, Serenity was so much like her....The love he had for both girls, the true, pure love, increased the power by infinity!

Finally, with a loud moan, cum shot into the two girls, as it fell upon them, and was shot into their mouths. Waves of it shot out of his tentacles and his cock, coating the girls, inside and out in cum. "Clean each other!" he ordered, closing his eyes, enjoying the pleasure he felt from his orgasms.


Hunter looked at his Grace with love and sadness. She was so perfect...He didn't deserve her. That didn't stop him from wanting her though. He promised himself that he would do what he could to keep her happy.

He suddenly rose up, and looked at the painting of Hunter and Grace being married, with the Angelo people enslaved. He ran to the painting and tore it off the wall and began tearing and ripping at it. He threw the shreds to the ground and took slow, deep breaths.

He promised himself, he would never let that future take place. He would go back to his world with his wife and friends, and ensure that the Saxon people and the Angelo people would forever share a mutually beneficial alliance, for as long as he lived.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
It took while before the girls were able to comply with his ordered, since both had to deal with the mind wracking pleasure of their own orgasms and the feeling of being covered inside and out with warmth. Serenity's orgasm was perhaps one of the cutest things Alex had ever seen as the fair leaned back and let out a trembling moan, her translucent wings fluttering helplessly behind her as she was sent into bliss and ecstasy, something she had only recently covered still existed.

Silvia held herself down on Alex's cock, taking him all the way into herself and moaning loudly as she made sure not a drop of cum escaped her pussy. When at last it was over Serenity was hardly able to remain upright but Silvia rescued her by pulled the cute fairy back against her own body, which was still on Alex's cock, and began to lick and kiss her face, cleaning the cum from her.

Slowly Serenity began to return the favor gently and the effect was a mother daughter like seen that was both adorable and warming in its tenderness and utterly sexy and arousing.


Grace curled up on the bed and awaited Hunter's return in her sleep. She would remain there until Hunter woke her up or picked her up into his arms. Alexander had left to go get Alex, which left Hunter with some tender time with Grace.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter looked at Grace, admiring her beauty. He had laid her on the bed, and he stared at her with love and lust. He rubbed his furry hand against her clothe breast, and kissed her neck. "I love you," he whispered into his love's ear, licking her ear, and teasing her body, moving his hand away from her breast, to rub her slit.


Alex looked at Silvia and Serenity kiss, and he felt his arousal rise once more as he saw them. It was like seeing a mother and daughter, or even sisters making out. And he was the father, and their Master. A few more streams of cum shot into and onto the girls as he watched them lick each other. "I love you girls," he said as the last of his seed fell upon them and filled them.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace moaned softly as Hunter teased her sleeping body and shuddered as she felt him lick her ear. Her breasts were easy to see through the material and her nipples were easily brought to erection, making little hard points against her thin bra. Here warm, soft pussy was next and she shuddered and let out a trembling whimper as he touched her their and rubbed. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Hunter timidly but didnt say a word and spread her legs a little for him, now blushing furiously.


Serenity and Silvia continued like this for awhile until there was a knock on the door. Serenity jumped at the sudden surprise and only calmed down when Silvia wrapped her in her arms protectively. Alexander awaited outside, not knowing that he and Alex had already met, though Alex probably would not recognize him without his armor and sword.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Grace..." Hunter whispered, before kissing her lips, gently. "You look so beautiful...So pure. So perfect," he whispered. "I love you," he said, and got on to the bed, and, making Grace move, and the bed grow so there was plenty of roof for them. "Grace...I want you to answer truthfully..." he whispered, petting her cheek.

"Do not think of me as your Master, do not think of my title or yours...Think of everything I have done to you, every kindness and sin....And answer me...Do you love me?" he asked. "Say what you truly feel. I won't be angry at it either way..."


Alex placed the blanket over the girls, covering their naked bodies and began to dress himself. His door suddenly had a small peephole for Alex, letting him see whoever was outside, and not let them see him. He looked through, and saw a stranger outside, though he couldn't help, but feel he knew him from somewhere. He slowly opened door and saw Alexander, and said, "Hello there. May I help you?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace looked up at Hunter and felt a pang in her heart. Until just a few days ago when she had arrived at the Tavern she had hardly known of Hunter at all. And the times that followed were very very trying for her, and now she was bound as his slave until death. She wanted to lie to him, to tell him she loved him, if nothing else then to put his heart at rest...but it wasnt in Grace's nature to lie. She had began to feel some feeling for Hunter...but how could she jump to being in love with him?

With another throb in her heart she told him the truth. "Hunter...Im sorry...I dont...Im not in love with you..." But then, before Hunter could respond, she lifted herself a little and kissed his lips. "But I could be one day." She whispered into his ear after the kiss, telling him only the truth.


Alexander was stunned for a moment as he recognized Alex, but kept his surprise in check and tried to play it off. "Yes, I am Lord Hunter's Champion, and I am here to ask for your help. Hunter greatly wishes to free the girls captured by the man known as Mike, but we will require help. Can we count on you Alex?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter felt his heart being stabbed, burned, and torn to pieces when he heard his lover's answer. In that one moment, he went through a barrage of nightmares....Going back to their homes and Grace leaving him for her people. Her laughing as he slowly died, dagger in his back. His people accusing him of being weak. His whole world torn apart, leaving him, heartbroken and dead...Everything he fought for, everything he loved, tarnished and shattered before him...A tragedy.

But then he felt her soft lips, and all those fears were gone. And when he heard her words, he had to fight the urge to take her there. He saw he and Grace married, with a beautiful daughter. A happy and peaceful world, where Angelo and Saxon were united, and happy.

"Thank you, Grace....Thank you..." he whispered. "I would be honored if you would love me, as I love you. You are perfect...You are pure. Never have I seen anything in the world like you. There world is cruel. Evil. Disgusting...And yet you exist. A pure, loving, and wonderful being. You have no flaw..." he commented, before kissing her lips, more passionate than she did, his tongue moving into her mouth.


Alex stared at the man. He couldn't help but think he recognized the man. He shook his head and looked at his girls. "You can tell Hunter this. I am not risking my girls. No way. Never again. I love them to much to risk them." He then looked at Alexander again, and sighed. "But if my girls will not be endangered, then very well. I will help you, as best I can..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace blushed beautifully, finding Hunter's words more than a little touching, especially because of their sincerity. But still she felt a pang of pain in her heart as he mentioned her perfection. She was not perfect, she was far from it, and that was why she needed Hunter, his protection, his loyalty, and his love. Without it...Grace would find herself as a perfect being in a world made to perfectly destroy her.

As Hunter kissed her, she timidly kissed back and allowed him entrance into her mouth, her own smaller tongue lightly dancing with Hunter's as he invaded the area past her soft pink lips. Grace's nearly naked body lay pinned beneath Hunter, and he would feel her soft skin on how own, and feel how his fur tickled her tummy, and soothed her with its warmth.


"We have no intentions of endangering your girls. Hunter has but one love, and he is willing to risk her to an extent in order to allow justice. Will you allow this man, Mike, the one who so tortured Grace, the girls he now holds against their will, and countless others continue his reign of horror? From what I have heard and...seen, he is a monster by all accounts. So again I ask you, truly, will you aid us in this?" Alexander waited and Silvia and Serenity watched from beneath the covers, cutely snuggling together as they watched. Serenity herself had an ability that, if enabled, could greatly aid in properly punishing Mike for what he had done, and was still doing. Even if she was not used at all, Alex himself was an asset, and he could easily be used against Mike. They didnt even have to technically defeat him, just get Flare and Ren away from him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter rubbed himself against Grace, his fur both warming and tickling her body. "Grace..." he whispered, loving her body. He sniffed her body, and she smelled intoxicating. His own body began letting lose his aroma, as his hands began to undress Grace, giving her random kisses to her neck or lips. His own cock was becoming erect, and Grace could feel it being rubbed against her body. "I love you..." he whispered.


Alex looked at his girls, and sighed. He nodded his head before looking at Alexander. "Fine...I'll help Hunter...I owe that much to Flare, at least. But remember what I said, and I'll be repeating it to Hunter two, if my girls are endangered, I'm leaving. I'm not risking them," he said. "So do you want me to follow you back to your friend, or will you bring him here?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace giggled a little as Hunter's fur tickled her body. She moaned softly as she felt his rough hands began to undress her, depriving her of what little cover she had. But she didnt move to stop him, not at all, and gently kissed back when his lips landed on her own. She could suddenly smell the lust in the air once more and her soft breaths soon became sweet sighs and light moans as her body began to respond to Hunter's pheromones. "I know." She said softly, stroking his fur with her hands as she lay bellow him, helpless to his desires.


"I will go back and tell him you accepted." Alexander said. "I will give you time to prepare, I will return when we have a plan. If you wish to find us we are in Hunter's room. I trust you can find it?" After a confirmation Alexander would leave and the door would close behind him

"Master?" Silvia asked, poking her head from beneath the covers, followed shortly by serenity. "What are you going to do...can we help?" Serenity nodded to Silvia;s statement, they wanted to be of use to their master.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)