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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
Hunter smiled and wiped some more blood from his lip. "My pride is hurt, but I'll live," he replied. He ordered his troops to go find the Saxon Warlock, and then looked at Alexander. "Hmm..I remember leaving my wife with my royal guard. I take she is alright, Dark Knight?"


"Serenity, Serenity, you can open your eyes now!" Axel yelled. "and stop covering your ears, the war is over I believe. I can feel it in my Saxon heart."
Alexander removed his helmet and smiled. "Of course." He said. "Who do you think led this assault?" At the back of the Saxon lines was Grace, her hands clasped in front of her in a worried posture as she looked around the battle field for Hunter. Drema moaned wearily in his grasp and reminded every one she was still there, though she was not yet conscious. "Whos she?" Alexander asked, looking at the appealing half elf.


Serenity nodded and uncovered her ears and opened her eyes. "B-but who won?" She asked timidly, unable to really sit up at all in her cage.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"The Bandit Leader. Here," Hunter said, dropping her on the ground slowly. "Do with her as you please. I have a wife to see," he smiled, and ran off to find his wife. When he did, he smiled and like the wolf he was, stalked behind her, before jumping up and hugging his wife from behind, getting some of his blood on her dress. "Grace, YOU led the assault?"


"If I had to guess.....Saxon," Axel stated, as he saw some Saxon troops run over. "Get the fairy, and myself out of here!" he ordered, and the troops began doing just that.
Grace let out a yelp of surprise and struggled before she realized who it was and then relaxed, going limp in his arms like she was basically trained to. No resisting, and she truly did think for a few moments that he intended to take her right there on the battle field. She sighed when she did not feel his hands groping her or moving to remove her dress and nodded timidly. "Yes...when an Angelo is married or makes love to a...a lover, they form a connection, and a kind of foresight. I knew you would be in trouble, I tried to get them to come sooner but...but no one thinks Im a queen besides you and that...that um...knight." She said, feeling anger flare up at the irony that the man who had killed her father was the only one who would listen to her. "When he heard my story he believed me and got this troop together and went after you at full haste. I led them here..." She blushed as he continued to hug her from behind and said nothing of the blood staining her dress.


Soon Axle and Serenity were free and the fairy flew over to him and hugged him tightly. She was beyond words now that freedom seemed only but a few moments away and began to cry tears of joy into Axle's chest, hugging him as tightly as her small body would allow. "Th-thank you!" She cried softly, her body trembling as she held him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"That...would have been helpful to known, sooner," Hunter stated. "Still though, thank you, if not for you I would be dead perhaps. And I'll make sure my people will respect you as my Queen, Grace," he said. He released his wife and sighed as he saw what he did. "Fantastic," he sighed, seeing his blood on her. "Sorry, Grace. I-" Hunter suddenly stopped as all the injuries he had fought through came in full force in a wave of pain. He fell to the ground and groaned in pain as he took off his coat, revealing a deep sword wound. "That's....not good. Grace, call a medic please."


"Just stay close to me," Axel smiled. The troops escorted the two out of the bandit's base and the Warlock saw Alexander. "Dark Knight! It is good to see a Saxon face. This is Serenity, a fairy I made friends with during my capture. Where is Lord Hunter? And is the Bandit Leader dead?"
Grace's eyes widened as she looked upon the wound and wasted no time fetching a medic which quickly came to hunter's aid. " him." Grace said through hushed lips. She was clearly worried, she did not....did not want Hunter to die.


Alexander smiled and patted the warlock shoulder and said "Hunter went off to find his wife. And it is a pleasure to meet you little miss." Alexander said, making the little fairy blush. she was sitting on Axle's shoulder and hugged the side of his head a little to stay steady. "In any case, the bandit leader is right there." Alexander said, pointing to the blindfolded, naked woman who lay on the floor, her arms and legs tightly tied so that she could not move. She wiggled a little but it was hard to tell if she was aware yet due to the restraints and her rope gag.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The medic nodded and examined his wound. He quickly put pressure on the wound, after the bleeding stopped wrapped Hunter with bandages on his chest. The wolfman rose up and rolled his neck, and shoulder, wincing a bit from the pain. "Thank you, doctor," he said as the man bowed. "Something wrong, my queen?" Hunter asked, seeing....concern? From Grace?!


Axel growled at her and was tempted to kill her right there. "I should," he whispered so quietly, only Serenity heard. "I should kill her, for both of us...." he said quietly, before looking at Alexander. "Were there any bandit survivors?" he asked. I hope not. I want them all to die and go to hell, he thought.
Grace stuttered a few times and said "N-no, nothing. Its just...I worry...I cant....cant help it..." Grace was as gentle as she was beautiful, she could never truly wish harm upon someone, and never inflict it herself. She was melting now, her heart that was, melting back to how it had been before. She worried, she could hardly help it. "Im sorry...I should have been here sooner...but you and me are going to have to talk." She said suddenly more sternly. "I think its safe to say that you at least owe me a little for this." She looked around the battle field and her eyes landed on the fallen angelo slaves that had died in Hunter's service. A tears fell from her eye and she looked back at Hunter with a new set of eyes, these showing deep hurt and hate, the wound of a betrayal. "These are my people Hunter...please..please, we are not fodder...we are slaves least protect us since we have to serve you, please you, with nothing to look forward to but more service. This is all ask...please dont do this any more." She felt sick to her stomach, nearly all the salves had been killed, all on Hunters command, on his defense. Why? Why did this have to happen? She worried about Hunter in her heart and he was her master and torturer when he felt like it, so she bled in her heart for her poor people. It was a wound to deep to reach or heal, and it showed in her eyes.


"Yes, some of the wounded from the fight, and other who surrendered. More will fallow from those we catch." He then drew his sword and handed it to the warlock, using a smaller, secondary blade he carried since his large one was unwieldy for even some ogres. "Would you like to end her life now or await a trial? She is at your mercy as far as I am concerned. And we have confirmed that Cassandra as been returned to the Brits, they are amassing armies for war, we presume against us and they are, understandably, refusing all diplomatic meetings." The Bandit leader, Drema, was apparently awake enough to hear his words and suddenly went stiff, awaiting the end of her life. Serenity hugged the side of Axle's head tightly, she did not want to see anyone else die, but after all the years of pain and suffering this woman had caused her, she could not possibly protest against his right to slay her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Serenity....Look away," Axel whispered, and took her in his hand and gave her to Alexander. "Hold her, please," he said as he did this. He then turned to Drema and walked closer. "You tortured and hurt, not only me, but my friend. She would never do this, no she is too good, too pure, too kind. I, on the other hand, am not. My only regret, is that I could not turn you into a sex slave," Axel whispered into her ear before slamming the knife into her heart.


Hunter listened and thought of what his wife said, and closed his eyes, deep in thought. Finally, he opened his eyes and placed them on Grace's shoulders. "I understand. For what it is worth, my sorry," he said. "Next time, I will try my best to protect your people, for as long as you are my wife," he said. "You must understand, I am Saxon....We are not known, for our kindness, but, I will try my best to treat your people, the Angelos....better."
Drema took the blade to the heart with a smile, better to die in her book then to be enslaved. Serenity closed her eyes and hugged Axle's head tightly as he killed her, fast and clean. After it was done Alexander dropped the body to the ground and nodded grimly, walking away now to direct more of the operations.


Grace gave him a weak smile and nodded, though she did not seemed very comforted. Suddenly a half naked woman burst through the crowed and threw herself at Hunter's feet, crying madly, her right arm missing. A Saxon solder was not far behind, sword drawn. The woman was the same one he had praised earlier, and it appeared that she had been wounded and disfigured in the battle. The Saxon solder bowed his head and said "My apologies sir, this slave is refusing to accept our conduct, I could not stop her before she reached you." The woman kissed Hunter's feet as she cried and began to beg. "P-Please my lord, Im am your faithful and always loyal servant! P-Please spare me! This happened because I fought for you, I defended you and served you. Please let me continue, please spare me!" the Saxon spat on ground and grabbed her by the hair and began to pull her away. Grace looked alarmed but did not know what this conduct was. Were they going to rape her? Worse things could happen she supposed, as she herself had been subject to Hunter's whims more then once. But Hunter knew what it was. It was common conduct to execute slaves that were weak, rebellious, deformed, or otherwise unfit to serve. This woman's severed limb counted her as one of these and this Saxon was going to execute her, away from them of course. She cried harder as a few more solders helped pull her away, begging to allow her to continue to live, if nothing then to serve. "Hunter..." Grace said, hugging his arm. "What are they going to do to her?" IT would be easy to lie to her, easy to tell Grace that it was nothing more then some form of humiliation for some made up crime, it was his choice, but his first test of his word had come soon, what would he do?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)