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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Alita continued to do battle with her artificial opponent, though its moves were predictable by now, she decided to match her moves to its rather than defeating it too quickly. The two fought on, both spinning about, parrying blows that came too close to connecting as they simply avoided others. Both gaining momentum, and building speed as the fight took on a beauty of its own, their forms almost blending as they neared the limits of the machine's speed.
Shendo slept soundly for about an hour longer, each of his deep breaths taking in Kenzuma's scent. After about an hour of that, his dreams took a more disturbing turn.

Shendo stood across from Robin, he was chained to the wall, and Robin had a hot poker in his hand. He moved to one side, and Shendo could see the barely conscious form of Kenzuma strapped to a chair in the room.

Shendo awakened with a start, a cold sweat covering his body, his breathing was heavy as he tried to calm down. "Just a dream... There is no way he will ever get his filthy hands on Kenzuma.. not if I can do anything about it.. I'll have to be on my guard at all times.." he gently stroked Kenzuma's hair as the younger man opened his eyes again.
Shadow smiled, glad she understood him.

" there anything I can thank you for this? You've really helped me, Anna...and I want to make it up to you," he said, taking her hands in his paws, gently stroking the metal surface.

OOC: Okay, I just opened the door for a little...action. But remember, he won't actually mate with her until he's sure he loves her. And as far as Robin's furry form, let's go with monkey. Makes for better insults at him.

Hey Angewomon lover, Altima, would you mind if Robin went after you guys first, seeing as you've got Starfire? I was thinking he goes for you, and my character hears the battle and comes to help and it goes from there. Sound good?

IC Starfire:

Starfire blushed a little at the suggestion, burping not being one of her favorite activities. Still, her mistress had given her a command and she had to obey. Taking in a deep breath, she let out a loud belch, her body rapidly deflating. Getting to her knees, she looked up at her mistress with a crimson face.

"Forgive my manners, mistress. I await my punishment."
"hey, altima, why dont you take a crack at it?" vook looked towards altima.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Anna looked up at him and blushed furiously. "Shadow... I couldn't ask anything of you... I just wanted to help... to get close to you. That's all"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Please Anna, I must. You've done so much for me...I simply have to make it up to you. To not do so would be ungentlemanly," he said, bringing her hand up and kissing it.
OOC: OMFG!!! sorry to tell you this... but I posted like 3 times... and each time i posted, the internet went down on me.... I was working on the Robin part and well.. that was annoying as hell I give up on writing his next move in detal..... so sorry for my short and retarded post... for its going to be a summary...

IC: robin arrives at the tower, climbs up to the 69th floor, and uses a sonic detonator, breaking into Altima's and Voosk room.
Anna blushed even more, looking awkward. "I couldn't even begin to think of a way I'd want you to repay me Shadow. I don't deserve to be rewarded just for being a good friend..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow was about to reply when his keen hearing suddenly detected the sound of a sonic detonator. Whirling, he cocked his head and sniffed, using his ears and nose to get information.

"Holy shit, we're under attack..." he started to say, when suddenly a familiar scent hit his nose. His pupils instantly dilated to mere slits, his ears flicked back against his head, and he bared his teeth in a snarl of rage. "...Robin!" he growled in a voice laced with steel.

Without another word, he leapt into the shadows, using them to get to Altima's room.


Starfire shrieked and fell to the ground at the sonic detonator's report, clutching at her ringing head.
"What the hell?" was Altima's reply, though no-one could hear him during the ringing. he clutched his ears, as they began to bleed. He turned around in time to see...Robin?!

"YOU!! where is starfire?!" Robin demaned as he saw behind Altima, Starfire straped and being raped, just like they did to jinx. " could you ahev known about jinx? I mean, she was dating Shadow! not you." He snarled, pulling out hs staff and swinging it at Altima.

OOC: in this fight scene, we should wait for AWL...