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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Cronos- i cant beat them! you have-to call off- the shadow of fear!!! cronos- if you can hear me- CALL IT OFF!!!

occ: actually, his dreams- his nightmares are coming true, he faces shadow in the dreamworld, but the effects also happen in the real world.
CRONOS!!! if you did a shadow aura thingy, that thing is called the shadow of fear- vampires can perform it- it make nighmares come to life! ARGH!!! [more sparks] [drops to his knees] where are you shadow? if i can defeat the fake you, i can defeat the real you too- but this Darkflamedramon guy- who is it!? two against one isnt- rargh!
Ky sighs.

"That's it then... Cronos, can you either call it off or let me help him? I feel so useless standing here!"
....Gunter Moonshadow!? what are you- oh- yeah, you can take the darkflamedramon guy, old-friend- but SHADOW-IS-MINE-
Copy-Snake-eyes technique! (eyes emit an eerie black aura) Garuru-Cannon!!! Grey-Sword!!!
[obliterates one whole side of the room]
Ky ponders.

"Hmm... if he's dreaming... I'll just have to wake him up again!"

He refills the bucket with cold water and tries pouring it on Blue, hoping to snap him out of his nightmare.
[blue doenst feel anything- he just disapears again, slashing at the air]
"Great. I don't know what to do... and meanwhile, Blue keeps getting hurt...."

He flicks Blue idly in the nose to see if it does anything.
YES! GOTCHA'!!! [he yelled, slashing again] woah- Moonshadow- you defeated him already? [grins] damn, i wish i was as strong as you!
Ky ducks quickly to avoid his katana, jumping backwards out of the way.