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Furry College!
Katt smiled, well aware of Blaze's plan. She was a bit slow to catch on but she wasn't completely clueless, Wonder what all they'll have at the place. Wonder what kind of stuff they do there. She felt a small shiver run down her spine causing her tail to stiffen up from excitement, Ooh, I can't wait.


Shadow nuzzled up against her, sighing happily eyes midclosed in serene bliss. When suddenly he remembered, "We forgot the pizza." he said laughing slightly, "We should probably go and get it, I'm starving."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yoosei smiles cutely as she then walks inside the cafe. she looks around and twitches ears. "it almost still looks the same..." she said to no one in particular and then spots a nice place on a corner where they would have a great view of the beach. she slowly walks up to that place and takes a seat while waiting for both Dan and Mar to return.

< college >

Kurai sighs lightly and looks at the keyboard. the chemistry lesson made him rememeber of Yoosei. "...her favourite subject.." he thought for himself.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oh! You're right!" Alice said with a small chuckle, "Guess we gotta go, I'll just leave the suit into the laundry and get dressed, you too, okay? I'll be done in a second!" she said, then left running with all her things.


"Yeah. I didn't know you were britsh" Mar said, his ears dropping down, "Guess that explains a lot. Well, that's no matter now, let's just move on" he sighed and shook his head. "Why did you have to leave? Does this mean we won't get into fights anymore or cut heads in the same squad?" he asked batlantly and worriedly.


"Buy Clothes!" Dot said excitedly, not doing anything else but giving a hoping look.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
As Richter filled up his plate, he nearly dropped a large scoop of of stew onto the table, hearing Star's last comment. Oh my Gods! Was that intended as a sexual reference or was that an innocent comment? The wolf tried to gauge her feelings, as he finished loading his plate and sat down. His mind was suddenly flooded with visions of the shapely Renamon. Momentarily clearing his head, Richter picked up his glass and offered, " about a toast to our first dinner together?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Light softly giggled after hearing Carman idea and whispered back "now thats wroth seeing him do" Light swifted her tail in a playful way.
Shadow stood up walking over to where he had placed his clothes on Alice's bed he picked them up and noticed another one of her plushies, a small black and white cat with a longer than average tail, Where does she get these things? He wondered staring at it for a second before turning around and quickly getting dressed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

"Yeah. I didn't know you were britsh" Mar said, his ears dropping down, "Guess that explains a lot. Well, that's no matter now, let's just move on" he sighed and shook his head. "Why did you have to leave? Does this mean we won't get into fights anymore or cut heads in the same squad?" he asked batlantly and worriedly.

Dan smiled and patted Mar's back gently. "I will miss that too man but hey I'm not fully out of the army, I'm still part of it but on the headquarters here but that doesn't means I won't have to travel every now and then" he said as he put his arm around Mar in a friendly gesture.

"Still I'm sorry for leave you and the guys but I felt my life needed a new twist" he said as he sighed and stared at the ocean.

"You have to admit that years and years on the battle field can become really monotonous, always the same thing, killing others defending ourselves, always splattering unnecesary blood in the name of the country, still I couldn't leave the army fully, that's what I'm now operations chief here on the headquarters, I still have that part of me that wants to do something for the country but now from the outside of the battle field" he said as his ears dropped a bit. He felt bad for Mar, they had been the best of the friends since long ago, they were the practical jokers of the platoon.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blaze landed next to the entrance of the bondage club, folding his wrings he bent his knees so Katt could get off. He looked to the side still surprised to see Carmen and Disturbed nearby.

Carmen grinned at Disturbed, "Me and Light want to test your loyalty.... now take off your pants and boxers," She ordered, knowing that he did not like public nudity much.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Hmmm... alright." Kurtz laughed slightly, looking onto her as he started to head to the left instead, heading for the large clothes shop beside them as he smiled. "By the way... just make sure you don't buy too many clothes... okie?" He asked.


Grumbling as he pulled out his book and a pen, Nath started to write notes down of what Faiz was saying on the Chemistry lesson. Of all things, Chemistry he hated with a dignified reason - he was never going to be finding a job requiring the certain specifications and needed knowledge of such things. Or even using that knowledge any further when what he already knew. But he bit down on his pride and swallowed it. Forgetting was much easier then making a fuss.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Katt stood a bit unsteadily on her feet, "You need seatbelts." She teased before spotting the others at the entrance, she recgonized Carmen and Disturbed easily, "Carmen! Disturbed! HEYA!!" She shouted waving as she walked up, making sure to grab onto Blaze's leash and pull him with her, "What are you doing here?" She looked at the third member of their group (Light) and smiled, "Hi, I don't think I've met you."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad