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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
Since Savior did not have any blood left to give, he ran off to where he kept Skull. He opened the door and yelled, "Sarah, I need your help!" Before she would most likely ask he cut her off. "Its me, Savior. Look, I don't have time to explain, come with me. I need your blood for a transfusion!" If she accepted to help him, he would explain his kidnapping and Shad'ja and Kitty's situation on the way to the catgirl.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Who the fu-" she started before nodding slowly. "Wait! Whats going on?! Where have you been do you know how long I've-" But was cut off by the explanation. She went with him, and luckily turned out to be the same blood type. The Transfusion was quick enough but did little more than stabilize Kitty. She would fine over time, but this simply stressed the need for him to find some kind of blood source. HE could not give anymore, in fact, after losing so much blood in such a small amount of time, he would feel weak and dizzy with even the smallest movement. He was in no shape to fight or run about.

Kitty weakly opened her eyes, blinking in the bright light and groaned. "My...head h-hurts..." She moaned softly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Wow. Convenient. Oh, and here's a picture of what I would picture Michael to look like))

"Don't worry....You'll be fine," he replied to Kitty. "Now sleep, my dear. You'll feel better when you wake up." If he needed to, he would ask Sarah to go get some painkillers, before the two would go look for Shad'ja. Afterall, they couldn't have her out and about. After quickly donning an extra costume and giving Sarah an extra stun gun and gas mask, he would explain more of the situation to her. "I need a blood source. I feel absolutely horrible and I can't given anymore out," he groaned, rubbing his eyes as they went after the Vampire. "My head hurts so much....Any advice?" he asked, stumbling around a bit with Sarah.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I think you should go lay down and let me handle this." Sarah said. But that would be unnecessary. Shad'Ja was back in her room, huddled in a corner. "Go away." She groaned when they entered. "I...I knew this would happen...why wont you just let me die?!" She screamed, blood dripping from her weeping eyes. "I hate this, I hate you."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Shad'Ja....I...." Michael couldn't bring himself to say anything. He had made a mistake, and nearly lost everything. His sanity, his 'prisoners,' and his life even. He closed the door and locked it, before banging his forehead lightly against it. He had so much to do...He was overwhelmed a bit.

He had to save Dark Spell's prisoner, Melody, and stop her before more crimes are committed. He had to take care of four beautiful women. He needed to upgrade his suit to even fight Dark Spell again. He needed to help Demon Flower. Help Sarah. And help Shad'Ja lift her curse.

He slowly looked st Sarah's feet, unable to lift his head anymore. "Sarah...I...I have no right to ask this, but....Will you help me? There is so much to do. I have to collect information, prepare new weapons, and find solutions to so many problems. If...I had a partner, someone to help me, it could mean the difference between life and death...?" he asked. "Just look through files for me, hack into databases, files, help me prepare some new weapons and gear. You wouldn't have to leave or endanger your life, I swear. Just....I need help."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Sarah crossed her arms and looked at him as though he were crazy. "Really? What was it you had planned to do with me before just now? Looks like the Savior can hardly save himself." She said with sneer.She would wait for him to answer before smiling and saying. "Fine, I'll help. First I need to see what you have as far as weapons, armor and general costume. I'll make the rest of my demands as we go."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Every hero needs help every now and again. I know that for a fact," he stated. Savior smiled as Sarah agreed and he led her into his armory, inputting the code into it. "There's also a vocal command, but I only use those on emergencies." When they entered the room, he began to explain the various weapons and costumes. "Grapple gauntlets, stun pistols, gas grenades, you've seen a good number of this stuff. Most of it is non lethal and well finished. I have other projects I'm working on though, for more...dangerous enemies."

He led her to a wall and placed his hand on a portion of it. The wall opened up, revealing a second wall of weapons, including a black version of his suit. "This is my Mark 2 suit. It is more heavily padded to act as an armor, it made out of incredibly small, titanium strings woven together to give maximum flexibility, letting me still move fast, and agile. Plus it has more hidden weapons, and this special feature."

He then placed a hand on a small knob on the belt and turned it to the right. "There are three incredibly thin layers of the suit. The first is made to be tough and act as armor. The second is able to generate an electric current, ranging from a small spark, to near lethal levels of electricity. The third is a special rubber layer, to protect me from the currents. Its still a prototype though. The second layer needs a bit more testing to control the current better."

He then looked at Sarah, letting her take in the suit before moving on, ready to answer any questions.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hmmm," she said, looking at everything. "OK, out." she said. "Come on, out, out. A lady needs some room to think." She said, pushing him out and shutting the doors. A few minutes later she emerged dressed in his older stuff, wearing the white suit and strapped down from head to toe with weapons. "Well, what do you think?" She asked, showing off her new look. "Could use a helmet, but it will do. Now I just need a name and Im ready for action."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Alright, alright. Just remember, keep lethality to a mini..." The door was closed before he could continue. When the door opened, he looked at Sarah in surprise. While this wasn't exactly what he had in mind, he decided it was better. He originally just wanted her helping out by sending inside and working on the equipment, but this was much better.

"I'm sure we can work on one at a later time," Savior said, as she mentioned her need for a name. "...Vindictor? Penance? White Shadow? Angel? Virtue?" he suggested, off the top of his head.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Whatever, names arent important. In any case, you should go see if that cat girl is OK. I will stay and try to work the kinks out of this new stuff. Also, you out to pay attention to your pet demon a little more, I can almost smell her from here." Sarah said before walking off in search of a training room or empty cell she could practice in.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)